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Roasting furnaces.
were further increased in the years 1683 and 1695, but not before the latter year–when
we know with certainty that there existed two hammers for bar iron and
four furnaces with a capacity of some 270 tons of forged iron yearly–can it be said
that Forsbacka was of any great importance as an iron works. In 1727, the property
became the inheritance of Professor Olof Rudbeck J:or, and, after his death, fell to the
share of his heirs, the Hårleman family, during whose time the Works were considerably
extended. In 1742 permission was obtained to build a blast furnace allowing of 8-9
weeks’ blowing, and, on May 18th of that year, the Royal Board of Mines issued a license
that permitted Forsbacka to add to the utility of its blast furnace by the erection of a
pig iron foundry with the appertaining smelting and glazing furnaces.
By the Will of Lieutenant Colonel Paco Hårleman (d. 1763), Forsbacka was to be
divided equally between his four sons, that share falling to the eldest to become an
entailed estate for his male descendants. But Christian Albrecht Hårleman, his grandson,
had his entail transferred on August 22nd, 1794, to the estate of Åstorp, in the province
of Skaraborg, while the whole of Forsbacka came by purchase into the possession
of Viscount Johan Magnus af Nordin (a judge and later Governor) who, as
early as 1777, had already bought three quarters of the estate. The iron works were
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