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The Blooming Mill.
at that date almost entirely neglected, but, on October 17th, 1780, a license was
obtained to erect a forge for merchant forgings containing one large and three
small hammers, and a rolling mill. The following year Nordin obtained permission
to transfer from Wiby to Forsbacka a part of the billet forging, together with a
proportional part of the licensed bar iron forging which, together with the requisite
forge and a furnace, were to form part of the above mentioned manufactory forge.
A new license of June 7th, 1784, gives permission for the erection of one single or
one double cementation furnace, and of two forges for the purpose of cementing
and forging such quantities of steel as could be produced.
On the 22nd of January, 1805, permission was given to increase the output of the five
furnaces and the addition of a sixth furnace. Besides this, a reverbatory furnace was
allowed to be erected, sufficient to produce about 135 tons of steel a year. In 1811 the
manufacture was begun of ship’s anchors, rudder iron and bar iron cranks.
On Nordin’s death, in 1823, Forsbacka became the property of his son, Carl
Johan af Nordin (d. 1850). It remained in the family until 1869, when it went to
Count Carl Lewenhaupt, married to Miss Olga af Nordin. This owner sold the works
in 1870 to a Company–the Forsbacka Jernverks Aktiebolag–formed by Wilhelm
III: 8 - 20375. Iron and Steel in Sweden.
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