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Old and New)
Kolnings-berg-, the Klackberg,
the Östanmossa- and
the Bastkärna Mines, it
is able to obtain the very
best iron ores in Sweden.
Below we give some
analyses of the ores.
The figures show the
Bispberg Nya Kolnings- ^^ ^^
Fe2O3 776 - __ _
Fe° - 6’35 8-55 2-18
FeOFe203 84’22 55’96 57’00 85’13
Si°2 6-91 4-84 1-74 7’24
MnO O’lO 5-10 7-25 0’30
CaO 0-58 3’92 4’60 2’08
MgO 1-07 7’76 5-18 2*10
A1203 0’21 2-31 0-28 1-12
Fe 66’42 45-460 47’92 63’34
S 0-001 0-078 0-031 0’035
P 0-004 0-001 0-002 0-004
Of these ores, special attention may be drawn to that from Bispberg, in which it has
been proved that the percentage of phosphorus sometimes falls as low as 0-0003 %, a
figure that makes it probably the most phosphorus-free ore in the world.
Siemens-Mar tin Works.
are four in number. In
the preceding pages we
have touched on the
establishment of the earliest
blast furnace about 1742.
This was blown down in
the middle of last century
and was demolished in
1870, after which there
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