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The small section mill
was commenced the erection of the present furnace No. 2, which was blown in on
December 7^, 1871. In 1874 the existing furnace No. 1 was built. In 1913 both
these furnaces were rebuilt and modernized, and furnace No. 3 was added. The fourth
furnace was started in 1915.
For the blowing of pig iron only charcoal is used, and the process is carried out
at a moderate speed. These two circumstances, together with the excellence of the ore
employed, makes the pig iron of first class quality. At present no pig iron is sold,
the whole production being used for steel-making at the works.
consist of blast steel furnaces, Bessemer works with 2 converters and 3 open hearth
furnaces. The Bessemer furnace was blown in on February 15th, 1872. The first
open hearth furnace was built in 1899 and had a capacity of 14 tons. The second, which
was of 14 tons, too, was built in 1908, and a third, of 15 tons, in 1916. At present, two
of the furnaces are basic and one acid.
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