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THE Björneborg Iron Works Co., Ltd., carries on the manufacture of iron and steel
at the Björneborg Works, situated about midway between Stockholm and
Christiania, and about 5 miles north west of Lake Venern, the largest lake in Sweden.
As regards communications the works are favourably situated at Björneborg
station on the north’ "western main State Line, Laxå-Charlottenberg. Björneborg
is about equally distant by rail from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Christiania, the
three largest towns in the Scandinavian peninsula. The fact that the Works are close
to Lake Venern has become an important economical factor, now that the Trollhatte
Canal has been made navigable for vessels with a carrying capacity of 1,000 tons and
more. The distance from Christinehamn, which is the port of shipment for the Works,
and wrhere a large harbour is being constructed, is only about 8 miles.
The middle of the seventeenth century, when Sweden began to feel conscious of her
position as a great political power, was also characterized by great activity in the
establishment and reorganisation of Swedish iron trade enterprises. Gustavus Adolphus
the Great had created in 1630 the official department which, 19 yeras later, received the
name of the Board of Mines. It seems to have stimulated the spirit of enterprise in
no small degree, a large number of new works, blast-furnaces and forges obtaining
their licences about this time. One of these places was the Björneborg Works, which
were erected during the years 1659-1661, where the idyllic river Visman leaves Lake
Vismen. The founder of the Works was 0. P. Jernfelt, burgomaster or mayor of the
neighbouring town of Christinehamn. As regards the origin of the name of the Works
(Björn = Bear, Borg - Castle) there is an old fanstatic tale, according to which, shortly
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