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Interior of mechanical workshop.
Sientific controll of the different operations in the works has always been one
of the leading principles at Fagersta. In order to bring it up to the highest
possible degree a new testing department and laboratory was erected in 1915. It is
divided in 3 sections, one for mechanical, one for chemical and one for
metallogra-fical testing.
At the waterfalls formed by the River Kolbäcksån, in the neighbourhood of the
Works have been erected 5 electric-power stations which supply the energy necessary
for the various departments. In 1912 a steam-turbine driven auxiliary power station
of 1,500 HP was added. So as to be able to fully utilize the electric power, there has
been built a storage battery plant, which is one of the largest of the kind in Sweden.
The number of the inhabitants on the Fagersta Co.’s estates amounts to about 5,000
persons, of whom some 2,000 are employed at the Works. In order to be able to supply
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