- Project Runeberg -  Iron and Steel in Sweden /

(1920) [MARC] - Tema: Business and Economy, Metals
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Steel Works.

of tubes on mandrils and
the final treatment of
the tubes by drawing,
but the competition with
other methods of tube
manufacture soon
became so severe that
Bångbro had to shut
down all manufacture
of tubes. The Steel
Works were, instead,
equipped with
up-to-date rolling mills for
the production both of
heavy-, medium- and
merchant steel-bars so
that Bångbro was enabled to supply in all the ordinary, rolled dimensions, a Bessemer
steel for which there is a very great demand for special purposes.

From 1906 the Company has also produced soft steel of Grängesberg ore,
according to the Thomas-Gilchrist process. The richly phosphoreted slag obtained by
means of this method is pulverized and sold as a fertilizer. Bångbro was the first
Swedish steel works to adopt this process. This was done in 1880, although, to begin with,
only on a small scale in order to protect the patent license in Sweden, which had been
bought by the Company.


For its manufactures of acid material, the Company has, on account of part
ownership in the Ställbergsfält mine, at its command a first-class iron ore, rich in
manganese and low in phosphorus, which is considered as one of the best in Sweden. The
Company also has shares in the Ingelsgruvan- and Lomberget iron-ore fields. We give
below some analysis of the ores employed by the Bångbro Company.

The figures show the percentages:

j Ställberg Ingeisgruvan^^^ Ställberg Ingelsgruvan ^ggg*

I Fe203 - - ! 73*50 A12 O3 0’17 0.44 0*63

! Fe3O4 70’71 | 73-17 ! 14*81 | Si Oa 5.91 18’90 T62

! MnO 4’63 0’19 ! 0’04 Fe 51’37 52’40 62’18

| MgO | 2’32 2’41 | 0’82 P 0*007 0’020 T54

l CaO j 7*48 2*80 j 5’09 S 0*047 0’007 trace

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