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Rolling Mill.
embrace 2 blast furnaces,
3 calcinating furnaces for
calcining ore, 4 stoves, 1
crusher and 3 blowers.
About one half of
the pig iron produced is
intended for basic
process. This is blown partly
with charcoal and partly
with coke. The
production of the pig iron
intended for the acid
process is carried out
entirely with charcoal.
contain Bessemer works (acid method) and a Thomas works (basic Bessemer). The
former is employed chiefly in the manufacture of steel of various percentage of carbon;
the latter, on the other hand, is used in the production of soft material.
The Bessemer steel is employed especially for edge tools, such as scythes, axes
and knives, &c., as well as for stone drills, plow-shares, hammers, sledge hammers,
&c. Large quantities are exported in the form of scythe-steel. For manufactures of
this kind the Bångbro steel possesses qualities hardly owned by any other brand
of steel.
The Thomas production is employed for angles, channels and other profiles, as well
as for wire rods, hoop-iron, &c. As far as softness and malleability are concerned,
thomas steel closely resembles Lancashire wrought iron, and the Bångbro thomas
steel has gained general recognition, which has found expression in the form of gold
medals awarded at exhibitions in which the Company has taken part.
Included in the steel works are also 1 dolomite calcinating furnace, 1 hydraulic
press for the manufacture of dolomite bricks, 1 crusher and the accessory compressors.
In this department, occupying a large building which has been enlarged on several
occasions, there are a blooming mill, 2 bar mills, 2 universal mills, merchant-
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