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Old charcoal blast-furnace at Engelsberg.
During the copper refining period at Avesta the manufacture of iron was
comparatively insignificant. The iron works were chiefly run for the manufacture of the
tool steel and constructional steel, &c., required by the copper works. Iron was,
however, produced for sale.
There had been a hammer for a long time at Avesta for making heavy iron
goods. Besides this, Marcus Kock obtained a licence in 1655 for the production of steel
at Davidshyttan, 12 miles from Avesta.
The increasing demand for charcoal and the restrictions in space to the
detriment of the copper works caused plans to be made at an early date for the removal of the iron works. In consequence, the Bergslag Company bought the Davidshyttan
stock of steel and iron goods from the State in 1763 and decided that the forging of
implements should be stopped at Avesta and transferred to Davidshyttan. As, however,
the Davidshyttan works were burned down towards the end of 1790, the Bergslag
Company was granted the right of producing in the iron works still standing at Avesta
the forgings previously delivered from Davidshyttan. This right was renewed
for two years in 1801, but on the 15th of Sept., 1803, the works were devastated
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