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Blast-furnace at Högfors.
by a great fire. They were shortly after rebuilt and the right to manufacture
articles of wrought iron was renewed for another five years. At the end of this period the manufacture was again to be removed to Davidshyttan, which, however, never took
place. On October 29, 1821, the Bergslag Co. applied for permission to erect at
Avesta three forges for a total production of 1,350 skeppund (1 skeppund = 3 1/3 cwts.)
of wrought bar-iron and one forge for 300 skeppund of wrought iron blooms. This
application was granted on May 27, 1823. In 1838 the permission of the Board of
Trade was also received for the erection of a foundry at Avesta.
The works at Avesta at this time consisted of a Franche Comté forge with a
spark-house, two forges for the manufacture of hammers, two German forges, three
bar-iron hammers and a forge with a Lancashire furnace, a blooming mill, three hammers
for small bar-iron, a nail hammer and a foundry with two cupola furnaces and a drying
kiln, besides four charcoal kilns, storehouses for iron and other materials, sheds for
charcoal and wood, &c.
Besides the above, the Avesta works also owned at this time the iron and
manufacturing works at Davidshyttan in the parish of Hedemora which have been already
mentioned, the Rosshytte blast-furnace in the parish of Wester-Färnebo, 9 miles from
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