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Ship’s masts.
medium rolling mills, 2 plate mills, pressing department for heavy plate work, press and
forges for the manufacture of wholepressed cylinders for compressed gases and air,
machine forgings, &c., works for water-gas, autogenous and electric welding, steel and
pig-iron foundry, one shop for the production of compressed steel axles, and a
machine-shop with black-smith shop for repairs in the works.
are of modern construction with a height of 16.9 metres (55 feet). They consist of 2
Westman calciners, 3 Kennedy stoves for the blast, 1 Gate’s ore crusher, 2 Blake and
1 Bolinder blowing engines and two high pressure fans.
From the South Dalecarlian Railway runs a shunt-line to the ore-storage as well
as to the charcoal sheds, which are five in number and have space for 600,000
hectolitres (1,650,000 bushels). The charcoal is carried from the sheds to the furnaces by
means of a wire-rope conveyor.
The pig-iron is blown exclusively with charcoal, of which the Works’ charcoal
kilns alone supply 480,000 hectolitres annually. Non^phosphoric pig-iron is
manufactured, for export as well as for own use, of the following marks and analysis:
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 21:48:46 2023
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