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THE Hofors Steel Works, belonging to the Hofors Company, Ltd., are situated near
the Hofors station on the Gefle-Dala Railway, The Works are connected with
the station by a normal gauge railway, three kilometres (not quite 2 miles) long,
belonging to the Company.
The steel works, which are the oldest in the province of Gestrikland, were founded
during the first half of the seventeenth century on the banks of the river Hoån, which,
forms the outlet of the Lakes Hinsen and Hyen and their watersheds.
In the beginning the manufacture probably was restrained to forging under one
or two hammers but, during the latter half of the seventeenth century a
blastfurnace, too, was erected.
Ores were easily obtained from ore-fields in the parish, and, like the small
ironworks which sprang up later on in the same district, Hofors got all its ore from these
mines (the Nyäng, Göske, Penninge, Myggbo and others). As the manufactures
increased, ore was also obtained from the Bispberg, Norberg and Wester-Bergslag Mines.
Originally an old manufactory run by small local ironmasters it came at an early
date into the possession of the Petré family, who remained the owners for about 200
years (until 1878).
Hofors increased and developed during this period not only through erection of new
forges and furnaces but also through purchases of several of the small works in the
district. Among important acquisitions mention may be made of the Hammarby
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