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Works, an old iron manufactory, erected in the first half of the seventeenth century,
the Kratte Blast-Furnace and the Uhrfors Works with Kungsgården. Among other
new establishments, mills were erected at Robertsholm in 1837, at Kungsfors in 1839
and at Montrose in 1844. Besides, the owners of Hofors possessed and used larger
or smaller parts in a number of blast-furnaces.
A necessity of concentrating the widely spread shops gradually made itself felt
and after that railways had been conducted through the province measures were taken
for making Hofors the proposed manufacturing centre. The concentration was hastened
by the introduction into Sweden of the manufacture of ingot steel after the Bessemer
method which led to shutting down of the different Lancashire forges and by and by
the steel production was concentrated to Hofors.
The development of Hofors into modern steel works takes its beginning with the
erection of a Bessemer plant with two converters which was started 1884. An
up-to-date and powerful ingot rolling-mill was completed 1885.
The motive power available at Hofors through a canal and tubes built in
1875-1876 was now fully employed. Additional power must be secured and this was
obtained in 1894 by means of electrical transmission from a waterfall with 100 feet head.
This power was employed for three new rolling mills which were started in
1896-1897. It is a fact that these mills were the first ones in the world driven exclusively
by means of electricity.
The two waterfalls mentioned above supply together about 3,000 HP. In
addition Hofors now disposes of the power from a waterfall with a 20 metres head located
about 7 kilometres distant from the works This fall was mounted in 1906 for 1,200
HP, which is now transmitted electrically to the steel works and their adjacent mines.
The works also receive power from the State power-station in Elfkarleby from which
1,300 HP is purchased. To complete the afore mentioned power supply there is also
a 650 HP auxiliary steam power plant.
The present equipment of the steel works consists of: 2 blast furnaces with
roasting kilns and sintering works, 4 Siemens-Martin furnaces, of which 2 acid of 15
tons each, and 2 basic of 25 tons each, ingot-, medium-, fine-, and wire rolling-mills,
a wire-dra wing mill, 3 hydraulic presses, 5 forging presses, 5 large hammers for
compressed air, 4 air spring-hammers, annealing works with 20 muffles, a foundry and
a machine-shop as well as various auxiliary machines.
The Hofors works have at present an annual capacity of about 48,000 tons of ingots
or 35,000 tons of rolling-mill products.
The Hofors steel ranks in quality among the best in Sweden, and enjoys an
old-established reputation for being able to satisfy very high requirements.
Under normal conditions a considerable part of the output is sold to various foreign
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