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Hellefors Iron Works from the south.
The present industries at Hellefors date from the mining of silver ore, which was
carried on at Hellefors and at Silvergruvan (the "Silver Mine") in the first half of
the seventeenth century. The ore was smelted in small silver blast-furnaces, of which,
in 1661, there were 4 at Hellefors Farm, 2 six miles to the north (probably at
Silvergruvan) and a seventh at Lake Örling. In 1749 the shareholders of the Hellefors Silver
Mining District were granted
the right to erect the following
works for the purpose of lending
support to the silver mining:
at Gustaf ström a blast-furnace
and forge for half-finished
products; at Karlsdal a
blastfurnace and forge for
half-finished products; at Eriksdal
two bar hammers; at
Silkesdam-men a forge for salt-pan plate
and, at Sävenfors, a
cutting-and rolling-mill, a steel forge
for shear-steel, a cementation
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