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Blast Furnace at Spännarhyttan.
vantage of being situated on the great traffic-route formed by the
Stockholm-Ves-terås-Bergslagernas Railways, and also on the Strömsholm Canal, which communicates
with Lake Malar Jand through which it keeps up a barge^ traffic for the greater part
of the year.
Probably very few Swedish iron industries have such cheap ore transport as the
Surahammar Works. They are situated almost within the boundaries of the Norberg
fields in which the company is the owner of considerable stock, and the mine
"Bond-gruvan". The latter which is the sole property of this Company and has an
approximate annual production of 20,000 tons of ore, is only a quarter of a mile distant from
the two blast-furnaces of Spännarhyttan. This is naturally of great economical
advantage, particularly in view of the present high railway freights.
Spännarhyttan is, in every respect a modern establishment. The manufacture of
pig-iron in this district, however, dates very far back, and is, probably, almost as old
as the Norberg mines, the operation of which is supposed to have begun in the thirteenth
century. At Nordansjö, where the Company now has an electric power station, scarcely
three miles from Spännarhyttan, a blast furnace was erected in the sixteenth century.
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