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It is known for certain that this furnace was reconstructed in 1698, after having been
abandoned many years. After changing hands several times the estate was taken
over at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the Lordk Steward, Count Knut
Posse who abandoned the blast-furnace at Nordansjö and, in 1821, transferred the
work to the site of the present Spännarhyttan. Two modern blast furnaces were
built here in 1909-1910. Besides these, there are also a foundry and a machine shop.
The production exceeds 30,000 tons.
Besides the pig-iron which is intended for refining at Surahammar, örat Svanå,
Spännarhyttan also manufactures pig-iron for sale, the so called export pig-iron, brand
pig-iron for acid Siemens-Martin and foundry pig-iron. The foundry pig-
iron, of the well-known |NyggBK| and | G | brändes have long enjoyed a most excellent
reputation and have a constantly growing demand particularly for mixing purposes
in pig-iron foundries in Sweden as well as abroad. It is made exclusively of uniform,
pure ores from Norberg and is smelted with charcoal only. The quality is, therefore,
partly due to the raw material and partly due to the method of manufacture, the
highest attainable. The composition of the two different brändes are shown below.
Silicon Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus
ca. ca. max. . max.
2-5-3% 1-0% 0’030% 0-05%
2-5% 1-5% 0-050% 0-05%
From the above analysis it is evident that the percentage of silicon as well as that
of manganese makes the Spännarhyttan pig-iron specially suitable for use in cupolas.
As is well known, manganese has only a beneficial influence on the quality of castings,
if the percentage is not too large and, above all, if the percentages of silicon and
phosphorus are normal. The percentage of manganese ought generally to be as
Commercial castings (intended to be machined) . . . 0*5-0*7 %
Light machine castings...............0’8-1*25%
Heavy and medium machine castings ........0*4-0*8 %
Cylinder castings, heavy..............0*75-I/O %
Chilled castings ..................0.25-1.25%
Acid proof castings ................0.8-1.5 %
III: 12 - 20375. Iron and Steel in Sweden.
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