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new rolling-mill the arms and hub of one of the largest fly-wheels in the world.
When screwed together and complete this fly-wheel weighed about 150 tons.
PIG-IRON CASTINGS weighing up to 20 tons are manufactured for different
A special manufacture of these works is brake shoes of Glöckner supersteel,
which present considerably greater resistance to wear than those of ordinary pig-iron
without hardly affecting the wheel rims to any greater extent.
FORGINGS from the smallest dimensions up to weights of 15 tons are produced
by means of steam hammers as well as presses, the large 1,800 ton steam-hydraulic
press being worthy of special note. The forgings are delivered either rough, rough
turned or in finished condition. Specialities are axles for railway waggons and
locomotives, nickel-steel and Siemens-Martin crank shafts for locomotives and motors,
buffers, propeller shafts (also bored), ship stems, turbine wheels and discs, &c.
Forgings, sorbitozised as well as in other ways heat-treater, are produced for
different purposes with tensile strengths of up to 120 to 130 kilos per mm2 (7* 7-8’4 tons
per sq. in.).
Finally, it may be mentioned that the works deliver steel for case hardening, ordinary
carbon steel as well as steel containing 2 to 5 % of nickel.
The Works are well supplied with electrical- and optical pyrometers for control of
the heat treatment of the steel. For turning and planing, &c. of forgings the works are well
equipped with modern machines, and such work is carried out with the greatest accuracy.
THE PLATE ROLLING MILLS include heavy, medium and sheet rolling mills, and
blooming mill.
THE HEAVY PLATE MILLS have a capacity of about 8,000 tons a year. The
production consists chiefly of boiler-, ship-, and tank plate up to a width of 2,800 mm.
(Ill inch.), armour plates and shield plates for ammunition-cars, &c., and saw-blade
plates of chromium steel and press plate for separator parts.
In this connection it may be pointed out that the works make a speciality of
hot-pressed plate goods, such as boiler ends, dredger-buckets, plough blades, trolley
wheels, &c. the superior quality of which has gained general approbation.
THE OLD SHEET MILL with a capacity of about 250 tons
a year is specially adopted to the manufacture of blanks
for circular- and other saws of high-grade chromium- or
high-carbon steel. Other products rolled on this mill are
blanks for spades and shovels, rounds for press-work, &c.
THE NEW SHEET MILL with a capacity of about 9,000
tons a year is erected mainly for the rolling of sheets for
electrical purposes, but also serves as jobbing mill for black
Wheel pair.
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