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one thus dovetailing in with the productive efforts of the other. Geographically speaking,
the fact that the Bank is particularly well represented by Branches in those central
and northern parts of Sweden where the iron industry is located, (cf. the map here
appended), still further emphasises the interdependence of these two national factors.
Just a few words about the history of the Bank, in order to show the stages by which
this correlation developed.
Interior view the Head Office, Stockholm.
When the Stockholms Handelsbank (as it was then called) was established in 1871,
the name chosen by its founders expressed the original scope and aim of its organisation.
It was a local, commercial bank. Even though it is only through the gradual growth
of decades that the Institution, originating as a local bank, has attained its present
standing, yet at quite an early stage in its history its services were in demand without
much regard to local boundaries.
During the years of inner growth, the Handelsbank had, with one single exception,
continued to work without recourse to branch offices. Finally, the need for an expan-
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