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sion of its outward organisation to correspond with its ever widening sphere of influence
became imperative.
The year 1914, when the Handelsbank took over the Bankaktiebolaget Norra
Sverige, marks the beginning of this expansion. Three years later a similar amalgamation
with the Norrlandsbanken was effected. Thereby, and by adding new branches where
required, the Handelsbank succeeded within a few years in building up a
representative organisation throughout the north of Sweden.
It still remained, however, to balance the branch expansion, which so far had taken
place principally in one direction, with a similar representation in the Southern part
of the country.
When looking for the means to carry through the completion of its branch system
on a truly national scale, the Handelsbank was fortunate in coming to an agreement
with the Bankaktiebolaget Södra Sverige, resulting in the fusion of the two
institutions, in November, 1919. Simultaneously, the Stockholms Handelsbank, having
definitely outgrown a name that laid such stress on its originally local character, felt
compelled-in order to make it represent more adequately the scope of the
organisation-to extend also its n?ime to
("The Swedish Bank of Commerce").
Vignette: Detail from bronze doors, main entrance, Head Office.
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