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(1914) [MARC] Author: Albert Montgomery - Tema: Dictionaries
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- 80 -
dis sekéra t. dissect.
—sektion (1) c r. dissection. —
—sen’ter (-n, pl. -s) mf.
dissenter, non-conformist,
—sonans’ (1) c r. dis’sonance,
distans’ (1) e r. distance. —
era t. distance, —mätare
distance-meter. —ritt ride
against time.
dis’tik on (-onet l, -et’, pl. -er L
-a 1. =) n. versl, distich.
dis|tingerad a. distinguished.
—tinkt’ a. distinct.
—tink-tion distinction, mark of
distinction.— trahéra t. distract,
disturb, —trakt i on (1) c r.
absence of mind.
distribnjent’ (1) c mf. dis
trib’uter. —era t. dis’tribute. —
tion (1) c r. distribution. —
tör (1) c m. distrib’uter.
distrikt’ (1) c r. dis’trict.
disträ a. absent (minded).
dit l ad. thither, there; hit och
dit to and frö; ditin in there;
dit upp up there; dit ut out
there. 2 relät. ad. thither,
where; dit ni inte kan komma
where you cannot come. —
hörand’e a. relating 1.
appertaining to. —komst r.
arrival (there). [Ditmarshes.
Ditmarsken npr. Ditmarsh, the
dito oböjl. ditto, the same.
dltresa way 1. journey there.
ditt neutr. av din (sed.o.); d. och
datt one thing and another,
odds and ends.
dit’|tills ad. up till then, —upp’
ad. up there, —väg Se -resa.
dityramb’ (1) c r. dith’yramb.
—isk a. dithyrambic.
ditåt ad. that way.
diva (1) a /. teat. star.
divan (1) c r. divan’ —(s)bord
sofa table.
diver|gera i. diverge. —ens’
(1) c r. dive’rgence.
diver’se oböjl. a. di’vers,
sundry, —handel general shop;
am. variety store, —handlare
sundryman, general dealer.
diversion (1) c r. diversion.
divertissemaug’ (1) c r.
di-ve’rtisement. [—era t. divide.
divid end’ (I) r. mat. div’idend.
divis|ion (1) c r. divis’ion. —
or (1) c r. divi’sor.
djun’gel (-n) r. jungle.
djup 1 a. deep; bild.profound;
d:t andetag longdrawn breath;
d. hemlighet profound secret;
d. sömn dee^ 1. fast sleep;
d:t förakt profound 1. supreme
contempt; d. sorg (yttre) deep
mourning; d. suck deep sigh.
2 (1) e n. deep, depth; d.et
the deep, —gående a. sjo.
deep drawing, deep,
—kultur jordbr. deep culture. —
lek \-en) rm. depth,
—lödning deep sea soundings. —
sinne depth of understanding.
— sinnig a. profound, djupt
ad. deeply, deep; d. inne i
skogen far into the wood;
sucka d. heave a deep sigh;
känna d. feel keenty; sjunka
d. i ngns aktning sink low
in a p:’s esteem.
djnr (1) e n. animal; (stort) beast;
d. b. brute, beast—art species
of animal, —gård park,
preserve.—isk a.animal; brutish,
bestial. — iskhet brutishness,
bestiality. —krets astron,
zodiac, —läkare veterinary
kal (kaal), het (heyt), fin (feen), nord (noord), mun (moun), mur
(mour), mynt (münt), yta (üta), såll (soll), båt (boat), är (air), ärr

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