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(1914) [MARC] Author: Albert Montgomery - Tema: Dictionaries
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— 214 —
inkarn|ation (1) c r.
incarna’tion. — erad a. inca’rnate.
inkasser|a t. cash, receive,
collect. — are (1) e m. collector.
—ing collection, collecting.
inkast (1) e n. objection,remark.
inkiett a. impatient.
inkila t. wedge in(to).
inklarera t. enter inwards,
clear in.
inklination (1) c r. love, fancy;
fys. inclination, dip. —s nål
fys. dipping-needle, —s’parti
love-match, marriage of
inklistra t. paste in.
inklnsive prp. o. ad. (efter)
inclu’sive; (framför) inclusive of,
inkläda t. cover over.
inknapp|a t. reduce, cut down.
—ning (1) b r. reduction,
inkognito ad. incog’nito.
inkoka [koka] l i. boil down.
2 i. boil away.
inkomm a [komma] i. come in;
i. med give in; iiande fartyg
incoming vessels; i:nafartyg
inkompet|ens (-en) r.
incom’-petency, incapacity, —ent a.
inkomplett a. incomplete..
inkomst (1) c rf. income,
revenue, proceed; har betydliga
i:er has a large income; ha
ngn i. av make something by.
—källa resource, —skatt
income tax. [ous.
iukongruent a. geom. incougru-
inkonse kvens (1) c r.
inconsist’ency. —kvent a.
inkoppla t. gear.
inkorporera t. inco’rporate.
inkråm (-et) n. crumb, pluck:
(fyllning) Stuffing.
inkrånglad a. complicated.
inkräkt|a t. usurp, encroach
upon. — are (1) e m. usurper.
—ning usurpation. •
inknbation incubation, —s tid
period of i.
inkunabler pl. incunabula.
inkvarter|a t. quarter, —ing
inkvisit|ion (-en) r inquisition.
—orisk a. inquisito’rial.
inköp (1) e n. purchase. — a (3)
b t. purchase. —s|pris prime
cost, cost price.
inköra (3) b t. break.
inkörsport entrance-gate.
inlag|a (1) a rf. petition. - d
d. tekn. inlaid; (konserverad)
preserved; (i ättika) pickJed.
inland (-et) n. inland. — s hav
i. sea. —s is i. ice.
inlasta t. take in, load.
inled a [leda] t. (föra in) lead
in(to), usher in(to); (skrift &c.)
introduce, pref’ace;
(underhandlingar) set on foot; (samtal)
enter into, begin; telef,
orig’inate (acall); (bekantskap) bring
about; (gas, vatten) lay on; i.
i frestelse Jead into temptation.
— ande a. introduc’tory,
prepar’atory, prefatory, —are (1)
e m. introducer, initiator. —
ning leading &c.;
introduction, preamble, prelude; (avgas
&c.) laying on.
inleverer|a t. deliver, post. —
ing r. delivering, posting.
inlogera t. lodge, quarter.
kal (kaal), het (heyt), fin (feen), nord (noord), mun (moun), mur
(mour), mynt (münt), yta (üta), såll (soll), båt (boat), är (air), ärr

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