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(1914) [MARC] Author: Albert Montgomery - Tema: Dictionaries
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[KLE-KLI] "238z
den a. stabled cattle; bild*
fettered. —e (1) b rm. (cow’s)
collar; Se vidare -krona, —er
(1) e n. clavichord; av. piano.
—er utdrag pianoforte score.
—iatur (1) c r. clavier,
klem|a ^.fondle; k. med fondle,
cuddle, make much of. —
ande fondling, indulgence.
Klemens npr. Clem’ent.
klemig a. indulgent, weak.
klen a. weak, poor, delicate,
tiny, slender, slight, frail.
klena i. daub, snear.
klenhet weakness, poorness,
poorishness, frailty, —modig
a. fainthearted, dispirited. —
modighet faintheartedness.
klenod (1) c rm. jewel, gem.
klen|smed locksmith, —t ad.
badly, poorly, —trogen
klenat (1) e n. fritters.
klerjesi (-et) n. clergy,
priesthood.—ikal a. cler’ical, klerk
(1) e m. aid. priest.
Kleve npr. (stad o. land) Cleves.
kli (-et) n. bran.
klia pers. o. opers, scratch, itch,
tingle; det k:ar i fingrarna på
mig my fingers itch.
klibb|a i. stick, cleave, adhere.
—ig a. sticky, adhesive.
klibröd bread made of 1 mixed
with bran.
kliché se klisché.
klick (1) b rm (fläck) blot, dab,
stain, blemish; (sällskap) set,
gang, clique.
klicka i. miss fire, -ning
miss-fire. [n. client’elage.
klient (1) c mf. cli’ent, —el (-et)
klimakterisk a. climacter’ic.
klimat (1) e n. cli’mate,
—feber c. fever. - isk a. climat’ic.
klimjöl pollard, middlings.
klimp (1) b rm. lump, clod. —
ig a. cloddy.
kling’a1 (1) a rf. (svärds-) blade;
låta springa över km put to
the sword.
kling|a2 (3) a (av. poet. klang)
i. sound, jingle, ring, tinkle.
—ande a. resounding,
sonorous ; k. mynt hard cash, specie.
—klang dingdong: (ordklang)
jingle of words,sonorous
nonsense. — sten phonolite.
klink a1 (pa piano) strum.
klinka2 (1) a rf. (på dörr) latch.
klint (1) b 1. C rm. (backkrön)
klipp (1) e clip, snip, —a1 (3)
b t. o. i. clip, cut; (får) shear;
(naglarna) pare; (häck &c.)^im,
prune; k. håret kort crop the
hair; k. ngn cut a p:’s hair;
k. av cut off; k. itu cut in
two; k. med ögonen wink,
blink; k. med öronen prick up
o:’s ears; k. till cut out.
klippa2 (1) a rf. röck, crag.
klippare (1) e m. (skälm) rogue;
(häst) nag. [Mountains.
Klippbergen npr. the Rocky
klipp|block block of stone. —
fisk habedine, dried (cured)
cod. —håla cavern in a röck.
—ig a. rocky.—maskin
shearing machine. —ning cutting
&c., jfr klippa1 —vägg steep
röck, rocky wall.
klipsk a. sharp, ’cute.
klirra i. clasp, clink, jingle.
klisché (1) e r. cliche’, cut.
klist er (-ret) n.; råka i k:ret
kal (kaal), het (heyt), fin (feen), nord (noord), mun (moun), mur
(mour), mynt (münt), yta (üta), såll (soll), båt (boat), är (air), ärr

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