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(1914) [MARC] Author: Albert Montgomery - Tema: Dictionaries
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— 449 —
tagious, infectious, catching.
—ämne contagious matter,
smolk (-et) n. mote, filth.
smord a. oiled, greased; P
smorläder greased leather.
smugg|la t o. i. smuggle.
–lare (1) e m. smuggler. —
leri smuggling.
smal1 a. j> smooth.
smal2 r. little bit. -al (1) a
rf. particle, crumb; en s. a
trifle, a bit,- slightly; den s.
inflytande han hade such
influence as he had; små s:or
äro också brod better half a
loaf than no bread. 2 t.
crumble; s. sig crumble. —
gråt curmudgeon. [berry.
smaltron (1) e n. wild straw-
smass|el (-let) n. shuffle, —la
i. shuffle.
smuts (-en) rm. dirt, filth, —a
t. soil, make dirty; s. ned sig
get dirty, soil o. s. —näck
smudge, stain. —ig a. dirty,
filthy, soiled. — kasta t. drag
in dirt.
s matt a i. sip.
smyck|a t. o’rnament, adorn,
deck, dec’orate. —e (1) d n.
ornament, trinket.
smyg (1) b rm. (fönster-) recess;
i s. by stealth, secretely,
furtively, -a (3) f l t.
smuggle, slip, slink. 2 i.
sneak;; s. sig steal, sneak; s.
sig på steal upon; s. sig bort
sneak away. —ande a. bild.
insidious, lurking; (feber) slow,
low. —handlare smuggler.
—vrå secret corner 1.
hiding-place. —väg secret path.
små (2) b pl. av liten, litet small,
little, petty, dimin’utive; de s.
the little ones; stora och s.
great and small; s. steg short
steps. — aktig a. mean. —
barn little children, —bord
small tables, —brod ungef.
buns, teacakes, biscuits. —
del particle. —flickor pl.
little girls, —folk common
people; (barn) little ones. —
fågel little birds, —gossar
pl. little boys, —hundar
little dogs, toy-dogs, —kläder
baby-linen. —kort plain
cards. —le [le] i. smile. —
—leende smile. — ländsk
smolandic. —löje smile. —
mynt small coin, change.
småningom ad. by degrees,
små pengar Se -’mynt. —plock
miscellaneous trifles, —regna
i. drizzle. —rutig a.
small-chequered. —sak trifle, —sill
little herrings, —sinnad a.
small-minded. —sinne
meanness. — skog underwood,
brushwood, —smulor pl.
trifles, —snål a. mean, stingy.
—springa [springa] i. run
leasurely, trot, —stad [stad]
country 1. provincial town.
—stadsaktig a. provincial.
— sten pebbles. —supa [supa]
i. take a whet now and then,
tipple, —timmar pl. (the)
small hours.—trevlig a. cosy.
smått l a. (n. av små) little,
small; det är s. för honom he
is in straitened circumstances;
i s. som stort in great and
little things. 2 ad. (a) little,
small; (långsamt) slowly; det
(err), född (feüd), död (deüd), jag (yag), gick (yick), gång (gong),
dränka (drengka).
Svensk-engelsk ordbok.

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