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(1914) [MARC] Author: Albert Montgomery - Tema: Dictionaries
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— 540 -
under|lägg (för skrivn.)
writing-pad; boktr, underlay.
—lägga [lägga] t. lay under; u.
sig subdue. — lägsen a.
inferior (to); (i antal)
outnumbered. —lägsenhet
inferiority, —läkare assistant
surgeon, —läpp under 1. netber
lip. —lärare usher, assistant
teacher, —lätta t. facilitate.
—löjtnant sublieutenant. —
minera t. undermine, sap.
—målig a. under-sized. —
officer; 4> av. petty-officer. —
ordna t. subordinate; u. sig
subordinate, —ordnad a.
subordinate; (ringa) humble;
(oviktig) minor, secondary.
nnderlpant pledge, token. —
plagg under-garment. — pris;
till u. at a sacrifice, —rede
trestle, —rätt inferior 1. lower
court of justice.
under|rätta /.inform, acquaint,
apprise (of); u. ngn orn inform
a. p. of; ilia u:ad
misinformed; göra sig u:ad orn make
inquiries about, —else
information, intelligence, —sats log.
minor (proposition), —sida
under side, —skatta t.
underrate, depreciate, —skog
underwood. — skrift signature;
egenhändig u. sign manual.
—skriva [skriva] sign; bild.
endorse, —skön a.
wonderfully fine 1. beautiful; (Om
kvinnan) passing fair, —slev
embezzlement, peculation; *J,
underst a. ö. ad. undermost,
lowest; i sms. bottom-; ad. at
the bottom.
under j stiga [stiga] t. be below.
—stryka [stryka] t.
underline. — ström under-current.
—stacken a. suppositions,
substituted, -stundom ad.
at times, —styrman second
under|sta; u. ^presume, dare,
have the audacity,
—ståthållare under 1. deputy
governor, —ställa t submit.
understöd support, aid,
assistance; (fattig-) relief,
grant-of-aid. —ja i. support, succour,
assist, back, second; (med
pen-gar &c) subsidise. —jare
supporter. — s fond benefit fund.
—s!tagare receiver of relief.
nndersatle (1) b mf. subject.
—lig a.; mina u:a plikter my
duties as a subject.
nndersatsig a. square-built 1.
-set, square, —het squareness
of figure.
undersök a t. examine (into),
investigate, inquire into, look
into; (sondera) probe; noga u.
scrutinise, scan, overhaul;
tullv. search, —ning
examination, investigation, inquiry,
scrutiny, search; u:en telef,
enquiry; verkställa u. om
inquire into] f öretaga en M. set on
foot an inquiry 1.
underteckn|a t. sign, —ad a.
the signed, —are signer. —
ing signing.
undertryck|a (3) b. t. (kväva)
stifle; (tillbakahålla, tvinga)
restrain, repress; (förtrycka)
oppress, —are oppressor &c. —
tröja under-jacket, (tröja
närmast kroppen) vest.
kal (kaal), het (heyt), fin (feen), nord (noord), mun (moun), mur
(mour), mynt (münt), yta (üta), såll (soll), båt (boat), är (air), ärr

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