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of money; han är m äv.he is a regular Cræsus
-sats men mer sediment; i vin eto. lees (dregs,
i kaffe grounds) pl.; beläggning 1 kärl fur; kem. o.
biidi. deposit -skola common
beginning–school [for all classes of society] -skrapa I s
trawl[-net], dredge II tr a) dredge; 6) scrape
fa ship’s bottom ett fartyg]; a yi honom med, tå
blir det mt . ., we shall have cleaned out
(swept in) the whole lot -Stock skeppsbygg,
floor[-timber] -tryck fys. pressure on the
bottom -ventil foot-(sjo. bottom- ei. sweetening-)
valve -våning ground floor, basement [story]
-ärlig a downright honest; han är m av. he
can be trusted down to the ground
bottjjfor men mer buskin -in men mer eg. (:
snörkänga) bootee; rani. 8now(over)-boot
bottna I itr 1 ni botten reach (touch) the
bottom, bottom it; han mr icke av. he is
out of his depth; dessa känslor ~ djupt . . go
deep down 2 förslå suffice 3 ha till grundorsak
originate [t in] II tr bottom; [skodon] sole
Bottniska viken npr the Gulf of Bothnia
botövning (av.: mar) discipline, penance
bouppteckning -en ~ar, men efter den avlidne
the [making of an] inventory of the
deceased’s goods and chattels -s|förrättare
executor -s|instrument inventory [and valuation]
bourgogne -n [-r] vinsort Burgundy [wine]
boutredning -en -ar winding up of the (an)
estate -s|man administrator; förordnad genom
testamente executor

bov -en -ar villain: rascal, rogue -aktig a
villainous; rascally, roguish -aktighet men [~er]
villainy med pi.; rascality, roguishness -aktigt
ado villainously -ansikte hang-dog face
bovenbram||rå -segel sjö. royal yard (sail)
bo|vete -t 0 bot. buckwheat
bov||fysionomi se -ansikte -streck -stycke [[a]
piece of] villainy, rascally trick

1 box [à] -en -ar aum. box; koi~ (sjö.) bunker

2 box [ö] -en -ar F aiim. blow, punch -a itr, ~
till ngn give a p. a punch (blow) [t in] -are
boxer, ibi. bruiser; pugilist -as dep box, spar
•handske boxing-glove

boxkalv -[en] 0 skom. box-calf
boxning boxing, sparring; pugilism;
prize–fighting -s|kamp boxing-match(-bout),
pugilistic encounter -s|konst -s|sport, men boxing,
sparring, pugilism; the noble art of
boägg nest-egg

bra I a 1 (mera eg. bet.) allmännast good [book bok;
för for]; starkare (: utmärkt m) excellent
(first–rate, capital) [fellow karl; för for]; (som det
skaii vara) [all]right [everything will be
(come out) all right in the end det blir nog ~
tin sist; all’s right as it is (ei. (ordst.) whatever
is is right) det ar ~ som det är; things are
all right (äv. running smooth[ly]) between
them det är ~ dem emellan]; tillfredsställande
satisfactory [result (examination) resultat, examen]

2 (Msk) [be vara] well (all right) 3 (ganska stor)
Ea] good (long, longish, goodish F) Eway
styoke; time stund] II adv lpl^ sätt o. d. [do
a th. göra en sak] well, av. excellently, Eturn
out arta sig] satisfactorily; capitally, F
first–rate; ibi. [taste (smell) smaka, lukta] nice (good
F) 2 ganska very, F jolly, awfully; ever so
Emuch rather mycket hellre]

Exempel: (I 1) det var m, att ni kom it is
(ei. was) a good thing (job F) you came; I
am glad you came (have come); det är
alldeles m nu it is quite all right bow; blir det
[betonat] mf will that do (be right)? det år,
var m! that’s good (just right)! that’s it (the
way)! av. excellent (&c)! vad ska’ det vara m
fört av. what is the good (use) of that? det
år inte m att [barnl äta sötsaker it is not good
Efor children to eat sweets], Eeating sweets]
is not good for one; han är mycket m som urare
av. .. a very good..; den blir m till kapp it will
make a good (&c).. jfr duga; han ar ingen m karl
.. not at all a satisfactory fellow (character);
[en] ~ karl hjälper sig själv ordst. self-help is
a primary virtue; ha det m be well off; se m
ut be good-looking; [<v,] m! good! excellent!
first-rate! splendid! av. hear, hear! (II 1) hur
m&r du? tack, mycket m very well, thanks;
jag mår inte riktigt m av. I am not just
(quite) the thing; ^ gjort! well done!
capital (&c)! det var m gjort av honom it was a
capital thing of him to do; ha det m ställt
för sig be well off (II 2) det vore m dumt
att inte . . it would be very (F uncommonly)
stupid [not to . .]; det är m långt dit it is a
very (F jolly, precious) long way there, it is
rather far (ever such a long way) there; se
nog; det vore m snällt, om ni . . it would
be exceedingly (F awfully, ever so) kind . .;
jag skulle m gärna vilja veta . . I should
dearly (very much, F jolly well) like to
know . .
brabantisk a Brabantine

brack|[a -an -or Philistine; friare F bounder;
starkare [a regular en riktig] cad -håla F
god-forsaken (benighted) [old] spot -ig a Philistine;
smug; narrow-minded; caddish -ighet
Philistinism; smugness &c -igt adv smugly; . .
like a Philistine (See)
brackvatten brackish water
bragd -en -er exploit, feat; achievement
-lys-ten a . . yearning for achievement -rik a,
ett mt liv a life [full] of heroic achievement
bragej|bägare Bragi-cup -löfte vaunting vow
bragt[e] se 2 bringa

Brahma npr Brahma -kult cult of Brahma
brahman se braman

brak -et [-] Ea terrific ett väldigt] crash; om kanon
boom; om åska peal, clap -a itr crash; knaka
crack; ~ itu, sönder go crash (smash);
~ lös, loss get (be set) going, break out; ^
ned come crash down, collapse; det r^de till

»vj uppslagsordet O saknar plur. - pl. och sing, lika F" familjärt

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