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- 749 -
samtrafik transfer (inter-company) traffic
samtyck||a itr [give one’s] consent; agree [ali % med
till ott inf. to inf.; to a th. tin ngt; to a p.’s
coming till att ngn kominer]; mera passivt (: foga sig)
acquiesce [till att inf. in . .-ing]; ~ till.. äv.
(gillande) approve of ..; leende ~ smile assent;
nicka ~nde nod assent; den som tiger han -er
ordst. silence gives consent -e consent, assent;
(: Instämmande) acquiescence; (: gillande) ibl.
approbation; approval; (: tillåtelse) permission,
leave; giva sitt ~ se -a; med ditt ~ by (with)
your leave
samum -en 0 simoom, simoon
sam|undervisning dual (co-instruction
sam||varo ~n 0 being (äv. stay, time) together;
vår angenäma ~ i somras the pleasant time
we spent together last summer; under vår sista
~ while we were last together -verka itr aiim..
oo-operate; om personeräv. act in concert, act
together; biidi. combine (concur, conspire) [till
Ott Inf. to inf.]; äv. (: bidraga) contribute [till
towards]; flera ~nde omständigheter a number of
conspiring., -verkan co-operation; united
(conjoint) action; concurrence [of circumstances av
omständ igheter ]
samvete -1 -n conscience; ~t slog honom his
conscience pricked him; ej göra sig ~ av att inf. not
scruple to inf., not stick at . .-ing; efter ~
conscientiously, as in conscience bound; med gott
~ with a good conscience; du har ngt på ~t!
there is something on your conscience (svagare
(F) mind)! det får du ta på ditt ~ you will
have to answer for that
samvets||agg pangs pi. (twinges pi., sting,
prick, touch) of conscience; compunction;
(: ånger) remorse [över at] plågad av ~ a v.
conscience-stricken -betänkligheter pi.
conscienti-ous scruples (doubts) -frihet liberty (freedom)
of conscience -fråga delicate (indiscreet)
question Jfr -sak -förebråelse remorse; self-reproach
(-reproof); göra sig ~r reproach (reprove)
oneself -grann a conscientious; ängsligt
scrupulous; high-principled; ibi. c petig) meticulous;
alltför ~ over-scrupulous -grannhet
conscientiousness &c -kval pl. se -agg -lös a allm.
conscienceless, unscrupulous, unprincipled; om
pers. äv. remorseless, . . devoid of conscience;
starkare infamous, vile, corrupt -löshet
unscru-pulousness &c, lack of principle -sak matter of
conscience; moral obligation [för for] -tvång
constraint of conscience -äktenskap ung. free
union -öm a over-scrupulous; en ~ om
värnpliktig a conscientious objector -ömhet
scrupulosity, tenderness of conscience
sanatorievård treatment at a sanatorium
sanatorium -et -er sanatorium
sand -en 0 sand äv. ibi. i sms. [bath -bad; -hill
-kulle]; grov grit; se äv. grus; (i timglaset) sands;
de äro talrika som ~en i havet bibi. their
numbei is (they are as numerous) as the sands
of the sea; bygga på lösan ~ build on the sands;
rinna vt i ~en bildl. come to nothing -a tr
sand, åv. (: grusa) gravel
sandal -en -er sandal; iklädd ~er sandalled
sand||bakelse ung. shortbread; barns av sand
sand–cake -bank sand-bank; vid flodmynning bar
-botten sand[y] bottom (soil)
sande|lträ [red] sandal-wood
sand||form gjutn. sand mould -färgad a
sandy–coloured -grop se -tag -gång gravel-walk -höfl
heap (mound) of sand, sand-heap -ig a sandy
-jord sandy earth; lantbr. sandy soil -kom grain
of sand; göra ett berg av ett ~ biidi. make a
mountain out of a molehill -låda sand-box
-ning sanding, covering with sand -papper
sandpaper, smoothing paper -plan sport.
sand–field; (tennis) sand-court -pärla seed-pearl [–re-v[el]-] {+-re-
v[el]+} shoal [of sand]; bar (spit) of sand
-skäd-da zool. dab, gray-back -slätt sand[y] plains pl.,
sands pi. -sten sandstone äv. i sms. [-quarry
brott] -storm sand-storm(-gale) -strand sand[y]
beach -säck sandbag -tag gravel-(sand-)pit -ur
sandwich -en -er sandwich -man sandwich-man
sand||ås ridge of sand -ödla common (sand-)
lizard -öken sandy desert; friare sandy waste
sanera tr tt. ex. en firma] reconstruct, reorganize;
[t. ex. ett slumkvarter] clear; mil. (: avgasa) degas
sangvin||iker sanguine person; biidi. åv. optimist
-isk a sanguine, sanguineous; biidi. äv.
optimistic, hopeful, confident -iskhet sanguineness
sanitets||flagg [a (the)] flag of the Red Cross
-förhållanden pl. sanitary conditions -hund mil.
Red Cross dog -polis sanitary police pl. -väsen
public sanitary regulations pl.
sanitär a sanitary; Jfr hälsovårds-
1 sank oböji. s, borra .. i ~sjö. sink .., scuttle..;
gå i ~ sink, founder, go down; segla . . i ~
sink, äv. run . . down; skjuta . . i ~ sink ..
2 sank a low[-lying] jfr sumpig; åv. c vattensjuk)
watery, moist -het marshiness -mark marsh
sankt a saint; förk. St.; S~e Per St. Peter
-bern-hards|hund St. Bernhard [dog]
sanktion sanction; (: gillande) äv. approbation
-era tr sanction, approve of
sanktuarium sanctuary, sacrarium
san|n a true [rnot to]; (: sanningsenlig) truthful,
veracious; (: verklig) real jfr riktig; (: äkta)
genuine; (: uppriktig) sincere, en ~ kristen a true
Christian; det är en ~ njutning ott inf. it is a
real treat (pleasure) to inf.; du sa ett -t ord! you
are right there! en — vän a true (sincere,
genuine) friend; inte -t? se [eller] hur; mycket -t!
very true! just so! of course! så -t jag lever as
sure as I live; så-t mig Gud hjälpe! so help me
God! det var -t by the way (bye) (that reminds
me) [I have to . . jag måste ..]
san nija tr q) se be~; b) admit the truth of; ~
mina ord! you will see! -as itr dep come true
-dröm [a] dream come true; han har ~mar he
has dreams that come true -ertigen adv indeed j
truly; i högre stil verily; (F) in all conscience;
<—’ title-word 0 no pl. - pl. saiue as sing. F colloquial
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