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arbeterska        36        arbets|förtjänst

work; ha stadigt ~ to be continuously

employed; indirekt ~ indirect work (labour);

individuellt ~ individual working; mindre betalt

~ labour at reduced rates of pay; husligt ~

domestic work; jeepen kan utföra många tunga

~n the jeep can perform (do) many heavy

jobs; maskinen är ännu icke körd i praktiskt ~

the machine has not yet been field-tested (been

in practical operation); nedlägga ~a to stop

(cease) work, to [go on] strike, to come out;

(äv.) to down tools; obundet ~ unrestricted

work; offentliga on public works; minister

för offentliga ~n (Br) Minister of Public

Building and Works; (US) General

Services Administrator; olycksfall i ~ se

olycksfall; resor till ~t travelling to work; (US)

commuting; stillasittande ~ sedentary work;

sätta (ta) i ~ to proceed with; ta en beställning

(order) i ~ to put (take) an order in hand,

to start work on an order; ordern är nu i

(under) ~ we are now working on (occupied

with) the order; the order is now in hand;

tillfälligt ~ casual work, odd jobs pl.’, trivsel

i o work satisfaction, contentment with one’s

work; vara borta från ~t to be away (absent)

from work; vara under ~ (t. ex. bok) to be

in preparation; jfr ackords~, avläggs~,

be-redskaps~, betings~, deltids~, [-entrepre-nado}-] {+entrepre-

nado}+} förvärvso, grov~, straffo, säsongo

arbeterska workwoman, working woman,

woman worker; fabriks~ factory girl,


arbets|analys job analysis; ~anmäld;

~anmälda utlänningar (stat.) number of aliens

registered as being gainfully employed;

~anställning; ansökan måste innehålla alla

uppgifter om skolutbildning, tidigare ~anställningar

och civilstånd the application must contain all

scholastic, employment, and family data;

~anvisning assignment of work; oattaché

labour attaché; ~avbrott interruption of

work; ~avdrag (typ.) work print; ~avtal

employment (labour) contract, contract of

employment; ~avtalsbrott breach of labour

contract; ~bas foreman, boss; ~belastning

work load; oberedning procurement of

work, placement work, production (work)

organization (preparation), planning, (US)

routing; ~beskrivning job description,

description of operation, operational

description (notes); obesparande; obesparande

anordningar labour-saving devices; obesparing

saving of labour; obeteckningar (tekn.)

working symbols, finish marks; obetyg

testimonial; character; ~bok employment book,

workman’s pass; ~bortfall; olycksfall med

~bortfall lost-time accident; ~bredd (hos

maskin) working width; rens kuren ~bredd (om

pappersmaskin) trimmed width; ~brist

shortage of work; ~byrå; Internationella ~ byrån

the International Labour Office; ~bänk

workbench, bench; ocell (databehandl.) working

storage (tidigare memory); ~cykel (procedur)

work cycle, cycle of work, procedure of work;

(elektron.) electrode-current averaging time;

~cykeltid cycle length (time), cyclic time,

length of cycle; ~dag working day;

~departement Ministry of Labour, Labour Minis-

try; (Br) Ministry of Labour, (tidigare)

Ministry of Labour and National Service;

Labour Department of the Board of Trade;

(US) Department of Labor, Labor

Department; ~ diagram functional (working)

diagram; ~docka (verkt.mask.) work head;

~domstol Labour (Industrial) Court;

domstolen, AD the [Swedish] Labour Court;

~dryghet working difficulty; amount of work

[needed]; oduglig fit for work; i odugligt

skick in working order; oeffekt working

effect; ~enhet working unit (team); (mått)

unit of work; ~erbjudande offer of a job;

~ersättning remuneration (compensation) for

work; salary; wages; ofaktor (vidsprängning)

energy factor; ofas phase of work;

oflyttning labour migration; ~flöde work flow;

ofred industrial peace; ofredens nuvarande

labila läge the present precarious position of

the labour truce; ofri; o/r/ inkomst unearned

income; ~frånvaro absenteeism; ~fysiolog

industrial physiologist; ~fysiologi industrial

physiology; ~fält line (field, sphere) of work;

~för fit [for work], able to work, capable

of work, able-bodied; ~för befolkning working

population, labouring population, population

of working age; 0/0’r ålder working age;

befolkningstillväxten i de ~f öra åldrarna the

growth of the working population; partiellt

~för physically handicapped; (äv.) [partially]

disabled, partially fit [for work], partially able

to work; de partiellt ~föra the physically

handicapped (the disabled) [workers]; those

of reduced working-capacity; Rikskommittén

för Partiellt ~föra the National [Swedish]

Committee for the Physically Handicapped;

~förbrukning [the] utilization of [available]

labour (manpower); ~fördelning (ekon.)

division of labour; bestämma ~fördelningen

mellan to decide how the work is to be

distributed between [the Heads of the [-Departments]; -] {+Depart-

ments]; +} ~förenkling work simplification;

~föreskrifter working instructions;

~förfarande working method (process), method of

operation, technique, manufacturing process,

[performing] operation; ~förhållanden

working conditions; ~förlopp working

procedure (process, method, system)

arbetsförmedling (kontor, Br) employment

(labour) exchange (office, bureau), (US) public

employment office (agency); (organisation, Br)

employment service, a national system of

Employment Exchanges; (US) public employment

service; antalet hos ~arna anmälda lediga platser

the number of vacant jobs reported to the

labour exchanges; statlig ~ state employment

exchange (agency, office, bureau, service)

arbetsförmedlings|byrå employment office;

~kontor employment (labour) exchange

(office, agency, bureau); ~ombud

employment agent; ~tjänsteman employment office


arbets|förmåga [great] working capacity, [to

have a great] capacity for work, capacity,

ability to work; output, production;

~förtjänst earnings, pay, wages; salary; förlorad

~förtjänst lost earnings; ersättning för förlorad

~förtjänst compensation (payment) for loss

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