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bekläd|a 76 belastnings|kurva
bekläd|a (täcka) to cover, to case; (medbräder)
to board [up]; (med plattor) to tile [over];
(utvändigt) to face; (invändigt) to line; (fattiga)
to clothe [the poor]; ~a med skog to afforest;
~d (belagd) elektrod (svetsn.) covered (coated)
beklädnad (kläder) clothing, dress, clothes;
(tekn. invändig) lining, trimming; (utvändig)
covering, cover, casing, sheathing, coating;
(bygg. utvändig) facing; revetment; (trä-)
boarding, planking, panelling, panel-work,
beklädnads|arbetarförbund (Br) National
Union of Tailors and Garment Workers;
(US) Amalgamated Clothing Workers;
~artiklar clothing articles, articles of clothing
(attire), ~apparel, garments; obidrag clothing
allowance; (mil.) uniform allowance;
~bransch clothing (garment) trade (industry,
sector); ~industri clothing industry; ~ jord
top (surface) soil; ~läder clothing leather;
opersedlar articles of clothing,
wearing-apparel, uniform articles, equipment; ~plåt
lining sheeting[s]; ~varor clothing [articles,
goods]; jfr beklädnadsartiklar
bekomm|a (få) to receive, to get; (väl) to
agree with, (ilia) to disagree with; (beröra)
to concern; to have no effect upon; valuta ~ en
value received; aktieägare är berättigad att ~a
vad å hans aktier belöper i förhållande till hela
aktiekapitalet (vid skifte) shareholder is
entitled to receive the amount accruing on his
shares in proportion to the aggregate share
bekosta to pay for, to defray (bear, cover)
[the expenses of], to find the money for [a
transaction], to stand the cost of
bekostnad expense, cost, expenditure; på ~ av
at the expense of; på egen ~ at one’s own
expense; på avsändarens ~ at the expense of
the sender; på allmän (statens, kommunens) ~
at public expense (cost, charge)
bekräft|a (bestyrka) to confirm, to corroborate,
to bear out, (åld.) to comprobate; (erkänna)
to acknowledge; (bevittna, attestera) to certify;
(sägaja) to affirm, to answer in the affirmative;
anmoda en bank att öppna, eller avisera en
remburs to instruct a bank to issue (open,
establish), confirm or advise a [documentary]
credit; avskriftens riktighet ~as I (we) certify
this to be a true copy; ~ande bank (remburs)
confirming bank; ~ad check certified cheque;
~a giltigheten av (av myndighet) to validate,
to confirm [by law], to legalize; ~ad remburs
confirmed credit (letter of credit); o*?
mottagandet av to acknowledge [the] receipt of;
kindly acknowledge receipt in due course ; ~a
riktigheten av to bear [a person] out; to bear out
what a person has said; your records will bear
this out; med ed ~ad sworn [to]; subscribed
and sworn to before me this 26th day of March,
1964; till yttermera visso hava Vi detta med
egen hand underskrivit och med Vårt kungl sigill
~a låtit (jur.) in faith (witness) whereof We
have set our hand hereunto and in
confirmation thereof affixed Our Royal Seal;
utnämningen ~ades the appointment was
bekräftelse (bestyrkande) confirmation,
corroboration; ratification, sanction; affirmation,
(högtidl.) asseveration; (av mottagande)
acknowledgment; (bevittning, attester ing)
attestation, certification; (äv.) verification,
substantiation, statement; till ~ av in
acknowledgment (confirmation, verification) of; till
~härav (jur.) in witness whereof (hereof, of
this); skriftlig ~ written confirmation,
confirmation in writing; |am writing this letter
to place on record the main points of the discussion
bekräftelse|brev (erkännande mottagande) letter
acknowledging [receipt of ...], letter of
acknowledgment; (bekräftande t. ex. utnämning)
letter of confirmation; ~provision
confirmation commission
bekväm comfortable; (läglig) convenient;
~lighet convenience, comfort; alla nutida f
Vighet er every modern convenience (comfort);
~lighetsflagg (sjö. Panamas, Liberias) flag of
convenience; ~lighetshänsyn; av
rolighets-hänsyn out of considerations of convenience,
for the sake of convenience;
~lighetsin-rättning public convenience
bekymmer worry, anxiety; akuta
konjunktur-politiska ~ immediate anxiety about the course
of economic activity; ekonomiska ~ economic
(financial) worries
bekämpning combating [of], fight [against]
bekämpningsmedel (mot insekter etc.) means
of [pest, insect] control, [pest, insect] control
measures, means of exterminating [pests, [-insects],-]
means of fighting [against]
bekännelse confession (tros- äv.) creed;
(religionssamfund) confession, religion, creed,
denomination; avlägga ~ to confess, to make
a confession; den nicenska ~n the Nicene Creed;
Bokyrkan (i Tyskland) the Confessional
bel (fys.) bel
belast|a (tekn.) to load, to charge; (debitera)
to charge, to debit; ett konto med ett belopp
to charge (debit) an account with an amount,
to place (pass, enter) an amount to the debit
of an account
belastning (tekn.) load, charge, weight; strain,
stress; loading, charging; bearing pressure;
(konto) charge, debit; (fig.) strain; (äv.)
burden, encumbrance, drag, incubus; tillfällig
~ på ett konto temporary charge to an
account; skall återgå (konto) the debit
(charge) shall be cancelled (reversed); alltför
stor ~ på (tekn.) over-load on; förhållandet
mellan den utbyggda vattenkraften och ~en the
ratio between the total capacity of the
completed hydro-electric plants and the load;
~ för återbäring (försäkr.) loading for
participation in profits, bonus loading; radiell ~
radial (transverse) load; sned ~ unbalanced
load; variabel ~ varying (fluctuating) load;
växlande ~ variable (live) load
belastnings|antagande (bygg.) assumption of
load; ~avi debit advice (note); ~diagram
(elektron.) rating chart; ofaktor load factor;
factor of safety, safety factor; ~gräns (tekn.)
maximum load, load limit; (el) limit of
carrying capacity; ~hastighet rate of loading;
~krets (el) output resonator, catcher; o.
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