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belånings|gräns 78 bensin|cistern
belånings|gräns credit line, line (limit) of
credit, lending (loan) limit; ~ kurs loan value
in percentage, pledge (loan value) rate;
till-lämpa låga ~kurser to apply low loan values
[to shares]; ~limit se ~ gräns; fmarginal
lending margin; ~~objekt [material] security
for a loan; project for which a loan is granted;
de som ~~objekt fungerande fastigheterna the real
property [estate] serving as security for the
loans; fområde; erfarenhet på fområdet
experience in the field of granting [secured]
loans, [a banker’s] experience in judging
(determining) the practicability of a loan
proposal; fvärde loan (collateral, pledge,
hypothecary, hypothecation) value; value as
security for a loan; effective value of securities
as cover for a loan; value of securities when
pledged for a loan
belägen situated, located; huvudkontoret är beläget
i the head-office is registered in [London],
the head-office is [situated] in [London];
~het situation, [local] position, site, lie,
location; (bildh) situation, position, state;
svår ~het plight, predicament; försätta ngn
i en kinkig ~het to put s.o. in an awkward
belägg (bevis) proof, evidence;
(kontrollexemplar etc.) voucher; document, deed, record;
(citat) quotation; (exempel) instance, example,
illustration, support; (sko.) overlay; ge ~ for
to give (provide, furnish) [ample] evidence
(proof) of, to confirm, to verify; ~a (täcka
över) to cover; (medfärg etc.) to coat; (plats)
to engage, to occupy; (med exempel) to support
[by giving examples of ...]; ~ blad (typ.)
tear sheet of voucher copy; fexemplar
(typ.) checking copy, [complete] voucher
beläggning (övertäckning) cover, covering;
(lager) layer; (färg etc.) coat, coating;
(invändig) lining; (av plats) reservation; (på
fabrik) work on hand; (på sjukhus) number of
occupied beds; (gatu~, etc.) paving, pavement;
aktiv ~ (kärntekn.) active deposit;
~genomtränglig ~ impermeable coating; radioaktiv
~radioactive contamination; tätande ~ sealing
coat [ing]
beläggnings|grad degree of coverage;
~ma-skin coating machine; spreading (sizing)
machine, spreader; (för vägtjära) road tar [ring]
machine; fpress covering press;
belöp [a to fall due (to); to accrue to; to cover;
~a sig till to amount (come) to; bevis om den
å certifikatet roande rätten till voucher
representing the right which is vested in the
certificate to receive; aktieägare är berättigad
att bekomma vad å hans aktier ~er i förhållande
till hela aktiekapitalet (vid skifte) shareholder
is entitled to receive the amount accruing on
his shares in proportion to the aggregate
share capital; de aktiebrev å nya aktier, som
å aktiebrev å gamla aktier the certificates for new
shares covering the certificates for old shares;
de gamla aktiebreven skall icke medföra någon
annan rätt för ägaren än att utbekomma å dem
töande del av det vid försäljningen influtna beloppet
the old share certificates shall not vest any
other right in the owner than the right to
draw a relative proportion of the proceeds
of the sale
bemanna; fyr manned lighthouse
bemyndiga to empower, to authorize, to
invest [someone] with [full] powers [to act],
to give [someone full] power [to act]; (jur.
äv.) to give power of attorney [to], to authorize
and empower; acceptering av en härtill
bank acceptance by a bank authorized to do
so; styrelsen äger ~ annan än styrelseledamot
och styrelsesuppleant att teckna bolagets firma
the board may delegate to persons other than
its (their) members and deputy members the
power to sign on behalf of the company
bemyndigande authorization, mandate;
(fullmakt) authority, power (warrant) [of [-attor-ney]; -] {+attor-
ney]; +} (av myndighet) warrant, sanction;
(uppdrag) commission, mandate; (äv.) resolution;
Letter of Commitment; enligt ~ by proxy,
per pro. [procuration, procurationem]; ge ngn
f att göra ngt to authorize sby to do sth.;
ha ~ att to be authorized to; innehavare av
~holder of authorization; lämna ~ to give
authorization; överskrida sitt ~ to exceed one’s
authority; (jur. äv.) to act ultra vires
bemärka to observe, to note; ~ innehållet i ett
brev to note the contents of a letter
ben (i kroppen) bone; (lem; på stol etc.) leg;
f aska bone ash
beneficient beneficiary; (betalningsmottagare)
payee; (ny rättsinnehavare) assignee; the
beneficiaries under (of) ; avisera en remburs till ~en
to advise a [documentary] credit to the
beneficiary; en banks förbindelse gentemot en
~the engagement of a bank to a beneficiary;
~en i en remburs the beneficiary of a credit
benefik; ~t förvärv beneficial acquisition
Beneluxländerna the Benelux countries
ben|fett bone-grease; ~fri boned, boneless
Bengal Jen Bengal; ~ ier Bengali
ben|glas bone glass; fkancer bone cancer;
f kläder pl. (länga) trousers, (US vanl.)
pants; (knäbyxor) shorts; (go lf byxor)
plus-fours; (ridbyxor) breeches; (underbenkläder,
korta, för herrar) pants, undershorts, (US)
underpants, (långa) long (ankle-length) pants
(US underpants); (dambyxor) panties,
step-ins, drawers, knickers; ~knapp bone button;
fkol animal charcoal (black), bone char
(charcoal, black); ~kräfta bone cancer; ~lim
bone glue; ~mjöl bone meal, bone-dust,
bone manure; ~mjölsfabrik bone-manure
factory; ~märg bone marrow;
~märgs-inflammation osteomyelitis;
~märgspatologi bone-marrow pathology; ~olja bone oil;
(klövfettolja) neat’s-foot oil; (behenolja) ben
oil; ~porslin bone china; ~röta caries
ben|saldehyd benzaldehyde, artificial almond
oil; fsedrin benzedrine; ~sidin benzidine
bensin (kem.) benzine; (motorbränsle, Br) petrol,
(US) gasoline, gas; fylla på ~ (bil) to fill up;
f med högt oktantal high-octane petrol;
tryck-destillerad (krackad) ~ cracked petrol
bensin|blandning fuel mixture; ~ bolag petrol
company; (US) oil company; ~ brand petrol
(US gasoline, gas) fire; ~brist petrol (US
gas, gasoline) shortage; ~ cistern petrol (US
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