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efterkravs|avgift        173        efter|spel

C. O. D.; charges forward;

(transportkostnader) carriage forward; ~ å kostnader charges

forward; mot ~ cash on delivery, (förk.)

C. O. D.; sända varor mot ~ to send goods

C. O. D. (cash [collect] on delivery); uttaga

genom ~ to collect [cash] on delivery, to

charge forward; uttaga sina kostnader genom ~

to charge one’s expenses forward

efterkravs i avgift C. O. D. charge (fee);

~belopp amount to be collected on delivery;

~försändelse C. O. D. consignment (parcel,

packet); ~provision C. O. D. commission

efterkrigs]- post-war; odepression post-war

depression; ~hjälp; ekonomisk ~hjälp

post-war economic assistance (aid); ~samhälle

post-war society; ~tiden the post-war period

(era); under ~tiden during (in) the post-war

period; ~värld; ~världens konjunkturer the

business cycle in the post-war world; ~år;

under ~aren in (during) the post-war years;

under de första ~åren during the first post-war

years; during the very first years after the

conclusion of hostilities

efter|krympning after shrinkage; olevande

I subst, survivor; olevande till pensionstagare

survivors (surviving dependants) of pensioners;

II adj. surviving; ~leverans supplementary

delivery; olevnad observance [of], adherence

[to], obedience [to]; ~limning (av papper)


efterlys|a (person) to search for, to institute a

search for, to notify [s.o.] as missing

(absconded), to circulate (send out, publish,

[/ radio broadcast]) a p.’s description, (i radio

äv.) to broadcast an S. O. S. message; (äv.) to

issue a search warrant, to issue a warrant for

a p.’s arrest, to post a p. as wanted [by the

police], to take out a warrant [against s.o.];

(sak) to advertise for [lost property], to

advertise|sth.] as missing, to search [for];

o/~f arvingar heirs sought for; han är ~t [av

polisen] a warrant has been issued for his

arrest, a warrant is out against him, there is

a warrant out against him, he is under a

warrant of arrest, he is wanted by the police;

~ing (dokument) search warrant, warrant

of arrest, warrant of caption; (av person)

search [for], notification of missing

(absconded) person[s], circulation (publication,

[/ radio broadcasting]) of a p.’s description;

(elektron.) afterglow, persistence; (av sak)

advertisement of the loss of ..., search [for],

inquiry; (betr. förlorad bankbok) notice of the

loss of a pass book

efterlämn|a to leave [behind]; (arv) to leave;

~a arvingar to leave heirs; ~a testamente

to leave a will; utan ~at testamente

intestate ; to die intestate; ~ade skrifter posthumous


efter|man (vid endossering) subsequent endorser;

~ middag afternoon; fri omiddag [an]

after-noon-off; omogning after-ripening; onamn

surname; ~press (för tegelbruk) rough tile

press; ~produkt after-product; ~pröva to

reexamine; ~prövning supplementary

examination; oputsning (tekn.) touching up,

subsequent machining; ~reglering

supplementary regulation [of]; ~resa; ~resa med

järnväg further transport by rail; ~revision

second (final) audit (revision); ~räkning

(tilläggsräkning) additional bill; (~behaglig

påföljd) [unpleasant] consequence (development,

sequel), after clap, aftermath, afterglow,

aftertaste, aftereffect, aftercrop, upshot, offshoot,

pay-off, disappointment, comedown

efterrätt|a (kanslistil) to abide [by], to conform

[to, with], to be guided [by], to follow, to go

by, to obey, to comply with; det alla som

vederbör hava sig hör sam ligen att (jur.) by

this all whom it may concern shall obediently

abide; oelse observance, guidance, example;

dessa bestämmelser skola lända till ~else these

provisions are to be complied with (are to be

duly observed); attention must be paid to

these provisions; detta länder vederbörande till

~else by this all whom it may concern shall

[obediently] abide; ställa sig till ~else to

observe; tjäna ngn till ~else to serve s.o. as an

example, to serve for a p.’s guidance

efter|sikt växel bill payable at a fixed date after

sight, after-sight bill, "days after sight" draft

(bill), draft payable "after sight"; oskott;

i ~skott in arrears; royalties shall be payable

half-yearly, in arrears, on or before the lyth day

of the second calendar month following the close

of each period; betala i ~ skott to pay after

(on, subsequent to) delivery, to pay after the

performance of an undertaking; betalning i

~skott payment after (subsequent to) delivery;

(ibl.) cash on delivery, (förk.) C. O. D.;

ränta efter 3 % skall betalas årsvis i ~ sko 11

interest at [a rate of] 3 % is to be paid annually

at the end of each period of 12 months;

~skänka (straff) to remit, to pardon; (skuld)

to remit, to release; (krav) to waive, to

renounce; (ge dispens) to dispense from;

(annullera) to cancel, to release; (avstå från

rättighet etc.) to forgo (renounce, give up)

[a right]; (äv.) to let [a p.] off, to excuse

[a p.]; ~skänkning remission [of debt];

~skänkning av arrende remission of rent;

~skänkning av skatt tax remission; ~skärning

(tekn.) backing off, relieving;

~skärnings-apparat (avbackningsapparat) relieving

apparatus [for milling cutters]; ~släckning

mopping up [a fire], final extinction [of a

fire]; (fig.) day-after carouse (drinking-bout);

osläng relapse [of]; ~släntrare, ~släpare

laggard, lägger; (särsk. mil.) straggler; (som

kommer för sent) late-comer; (äv. allm.)

lingerer, loiterer, dawdler, dawdle, idler,

dallier, moper, loller

eftersläpning (försening) lag, timelag, delay,

lagging (falling) behind, slackening,

retardation, slowing down, slow-down, slow-up,

letup, ease-off, ease-up, drag; prolongation,

postponement, deferment; adjournment,

dilatoriness; the lag of exports behind rising imports;

~ i orderingång backlog of orders; med en

statistiskt betingad ~ av 2 år with a statistically

conditioned time lag of two years; (av elmotor

etc.) slip; (om instrument) creep

efter|spel epilogue; (fig.) sequel; (musik)

post-lude; (olympiad) Post-Olympic Games; saken

kommer att rättsligt ~spel the matter will

have a sequel in a court of law, the matter

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