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hamnplan        313        handel

~plan harbour plan; oplats berth, wharf;

~polis harbour (dock) police; ~projekt

port project; oradar harbour radar;

~reglemente harbour bye-laws; ~sida [on the]

waterfront, [at the] harbour (port) side;

~spår (järnv.) dock siding; ~stad port,

seaport; östre j k dock (port) strike;

osty-relse harbour board; (äv.) port authority;

~taxa harbour tariff, port rate; ~tid

(högvattensintervall) full and change-high water,

high water full and change, common (vulgar)

establishment, establishment [of port];

otra-fik port traffic; ~umgälder harbour dues,

port charges; ~upplag (tullnederlag) bonded


hampa hemp; Riksförbundet Lin och Hos RLH

the Swedish Flax and Hemp Growers’

Association; häcklad ~ hackled hemp; rötad ~

retted hemp; skäktad ~ scrutched hemp

hampj berednings maskin hemp dressing

(processing) machine; ~bindare hemp binder;

obråkningsmaskin hemp breaking machine;

odrev ~akum; ~fabrik hemp mill; ~frö

hemp seed; ~garn hemp yarn; ohalvtyg

hemp rag-pulp; ~lina (orep) hemp rope;

~papper hemp paper; ~skäktturbin hemp

scutching turbine; ~tröska hemp threshing

machine; ~tågs matta hemp-rope carpet

(mat); ~vävnad burlap

hamr|a to hammer, to mallet, to pound, to beat;

(smida) to forge; ~ingsmaskin hammer


hamstr|a to board; to put aside, to pile up;

~are hoarder; ojng hoarding

hand hand; aktierna är placerade fasta händer

the shares are held in firm hands; only small

amounts of the shares appear now and then

on the market; beloppet är högt en ~ (i

kreditupplysning) the amount is high if not in

a series; beslutanderätten ligger i presidentens ~

the right to decide [these applications] is

vested in the President; the right of decision

is vested in the President; bokföring för ~

hand posting, manual book-keeping; efter ~

adv. gradually, little by little, by degrees;

giva vid ~en to show, to indicate; to make

it clear; ha ~ om to be in charge of, to be

responsible for, to handle; ha en vara ~

to have the [first] refusal of goods, to have

an option on an article; hälla alla trådarna i

sin ~ to hold all the threads in one’s hands;

to hold the reins in one’s hands; to have

complete control of sth.; to have the situation

well in hand; i andra ~ at second-hand;

försäljning i andra ~ second-hand sale; köpare

i andra ~ second-hand buyer (purchaser),

subpurchaser; i första ~ in the first place

(instance, analysis), first and foremost, first

of all, above all, primarily; to start (begin)

with; engagera i första ~ to give preference

to; i sista ~ in the last (final) analysis, in

the last resort, in the end; sätta i taka händer

to deposit (place) with a trustee; to place in

the hands of a third party; to deposit on

trust; to deposit for safe custody; to sequester;

to deliver in escrow; ta ~ om to take . ..

in hand, to take charge (care) of, to attend to,

to deal with, to take upon o.s. to; to super-

intend, to supervise, to look after; to take up

(on), to set one’s hands to [a task]; the matter

will receive our personal attention; till yttermera

visso hava Vi detta med egen ~ underskrivit och

med Vårt kungl, sigill bekräfta låtit (jur.) in

faith (witness) whereof We have set our hand

hereunto and in confirmation thereof affixed

Our royal seal; under ~ privately, by private

sale (treaty, contract); (förtroligt)

confidentially, privately; (äv.) unofficially; (lat.) sub

rosa; (nedsättande) surreptitiously; bolagets

egendom ej avyttras under ~ the company’s

property must not be alienated by private

sale; försäl|a under ~ to sell privately;

försäljning under ~ private sale; meddela under ~ to

inform confidentially

handa; till ~ to hand, by messenger; care of,

c/o; (äv.) to the attention of

handarbete (syarbete) needlework; (mots.

maskin-) handwork, hand-made; Föreningen H~ts

Vänner the Friends of Textile Art Association

handarbets|lärarinna needlework mistress,

teacher of needlework; omönster embroidery

transfer; ~seminarium school for the

training of needlework mistresses, school for

advanced needlework instruction

hand|atlas hand-atlas; obagage hand-luggage,

light luggage, (US) hand-baggage;

~blandad; rob landad betong hand-mixed concrete;

~blåst; ~blåsta glasartiklar hand-blown


handbok manual, guide, handbook, reference

book, work of reference; Annonsörernas Ho

the Advertisers’ Guide; elektrisk ~ electrical

manual; ~ för sjöjarande handbook for

mariners; ~ i psykologi handbook of


hand|bokföring hand posting;

~boksavdelning ( förlag) Reference Book Department


handboll handball; ~förbund; Svenska

Ho-förbundet the Swedish Amateur Handball


hand|borr hand drill; ~borrmaskin hand

drilling machine, jackhammer; ~brev

personal (private) letter; (i ämbetsverk äv.)

semi-official letter; (äv.) holograph letter, letter

in his (her) own hand; ~broderi hand

embroidery; ~broms hand-brake, parking brake;

~cirkelsåg portable circular saw; eldriven

~cirkelsåg portable electric circular saw;

~dragen; ~draget korrektur hand proof;

~driven hand operated; ro drivet spel crab


handduk towel; frotté~ terry (Turkish) towel

handduks|hängare towel rail (hooks);

~papper towelling [paper]; ~väv towelling (US)


handel trade, trading, (särsk. internationell etc.)

commerce; (särsk. olaglig) traffic; (bytes-)

barter; (gårdfari-) hawking, peddling; (butik

etc.) shop, (US) store; (äv.) business; driva ~

to carry on trade (business); driva ~ med

(land, person) to trade with, to carry on trade

(business) with, (vara) to trade (deal) in;

en beräkning av nästa års ~a forecast of next

year’s trade; Ho (publ.) Commerce (Trade),

Sweden’s Imports and Exports by Commodi-

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