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jäs|a        396        jävs|anmärkning

jäs|a to ferment; (om sylt etc.) to go fermented;

(om järn) to foam; (särsk. fig.) to effervesce;

(fig.) to ferment, to work; ~betong cellular

concrete; ~kar fermenting tub (vat); ~kraft

fermentative power; ~medel fermenting

agent; (plast, etc.) blowing (expanding) agent;

~ning fermentation, ferment, zymosis; (järn)

effervescence, gassing; (fig.) ferment, unrest

jäsnings|distern fermenter tank; ~förmåga

fermentability; ~hämmande

antifermenta-tive; ~process fermentation (fermentative)

process, process of fermentation; ~tid

fermentation time; ~ämne ferment

jäst yeast; ~extrakt yeast extract; ~fabrik

yeast-factory; ~framställning yeast

manufacture; ~pulver yeast (baking) powder;

~separator yeast separator; ~svamp

yeast-fungus, blastomycete; ~tablett yeast tablet;

~teknik yeast technology

jätte|arbete [a] gigantic [piece of] work;

~förpackning giant package; ~skörd bumper

harvest (crop); ~steg; framåt med ~steg

to proceed rapidly [towards]; to stride forward

with giant steps

jäv (jur.) challenge, objection, recusation; (äv.)

protest, remonstrance, demurrer; anföra ~ mot

(jury) to challenge, to make (lodge) a challenge

to; (vittne) to raise an objection against, to

challenge; laga ~ lawful disqualification,

incompetence under law; ~a (jur.) to take

exception to, (om testamente etc.) to challenge

the validity of; (förneka) to belie; ~ig (om

vittne) challengeable, exceptionable; (ej

behörig) disqualified, non-competent; ~ighet

challengeability; non-competence;

~s|anmärkning exception [to a witness]

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