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Krigsmateriel|inspektionen 451 kriminal|poliskommiSsion
K~inspektionen the [National Swedish] War
Materials Inspectorate; ~ inspektör War
Materials Inspector; ~verk; Kungl. K~verket the
Swedish Board of War Supplies
krigs|medel instrument of war, war weapon;
~minister Minister of War (Defence); (Br)
War Secretary, Secretary of State for War;
(US) Secretary of Defense; ~monument war
(battle) monument; American Battle Monuments
Commission; ~mål war aim; ~område se
krigsskådeplats; ~operationer military
operations; ~orsak cause of war; casus belli;
~plan military plan, plan of campaign;
~polis military police; ~potential war potential;
~premie war-premium, war riskY premium;
~produktion war production; ~psykos war
krigsrisk war riskY; krigs- och minrisk war and
mine risks; rederiet svarar icke för ~er the
Carrier shall not be liable for risks due to
War or warlike operations; ~försäkring war
risks (risk) insurance; insurance against war
krigs|råd council of war; (byråchef) Head of
Division [of the Swedish Defence Civil Board];
~rätt (domstol) court-martial, military tribunal
(court); (rättssystem) military law; ~skada
war damage (loss), loss due to enemy action;
~skadad; ~skadade länder war-damaged
countries; ~skadeersättning reparations [for war
damages], claim for war indemnification
krigsskadeersättnings|kommission; Allierade
~kommissionen the Allied Commission on
Reparations; ~organ; Interallierade ~organet
the Interallied Reparation Agency, (förk.)
krigsskadeförsäkring insurance against war
krigsskadestånd reparations [for war damages],
war indemnity (compensation monies); betala
~ to make (pay) reparations
krigsskadestånds|anspråk reparations claim [s];
~avtal reparations agreement; ~betalningar
payments of reparations, reparations payments;
~förpliktelser reparations obligations;
~förteckning reparations list; ~industri
reparations industry; ~kommission reparations
(war claims, war damage) commission;
~konto reparations account; ~lån reparations
loan; ~program reparations programme (US
program); ~skatt reparations levy; ~utskott
reparations committee
krigsskadeutjämning (i Västtyskland)
equalization of burdens; ~s|avgift levy for the
equalization of burdens; ~s|lag; den allmänna
~s|lagen the General Law on Equalization of
krigs|skepp se krigsfartyg; ~skola military
academy; Kungl. K~skolan the Royal [Swedish]
Military Academy; sjö askola naval academy
(college); ~skuld war-debt[s];
~skuldbetalningar reparation payments;
~skyddsnämnd; K~skyddsnämnden för Kraftanläggningar
the Board for the Wartime Protection of
Power Stations; ~skådeplats theatre (US
theater) of war (operations), seat of war,
battleground, front; (fig.) scene; ~spekulant
war-profiteer; ~styrka war strength; ~tid
wartime; ~tidsransonering war-time
rationing; ~tillstånd state of war; ~tillägg war
krigstjänst active service; göra ~ to be on
active service; ~vägrare conscientious
objector; K~vägrarnas International the War
Re-sisters’ International
krigs|trött war-weary; ~utbrott ~utbreak of
war (hostilities); ~vetenskap military science;
~vetenskapsakademi; Kungl.
K~vetenskaps-akademien the Royal [Swedish] Academy of
Military Sciences; ~veteran ex-serviceman,
(US) veteran; K~veteranernas Världsförbund
the World Veterans’ Federation, (förk.) WVF;
K~veteranstyrelsen (US) Veterans
Administration; ~viktig of military importance,
military; ~väsende military organization
(system); military [and naval] science; military
matters, warfare; ~zon war zone; ~år war
year, year of [the] war; under flåren during
the war
Krim the Crimea
kriminal|antropologi criminal anthropology;
~assistent detective sergeant, detective [-[officer],-]
C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation
Department) sergeant (officer); (Br äv.) Scotland
Yard officer; förste ~assistent detective
inspector, C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation
Department) inspector; ~avdelning criminal
investigation department, (förk.) C. I. D.;
~chef detective commissioner
(superintendent, inspector), head (chief) of a Criminal
Investigation Department; ~fall criminal
case; ~fysik criminal physics; ~gåta
criminal (crime) problem; ~inspektör detective
inspector, C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation
Department) inspector; ~isera; ~isera en
handling to make an action a criminal
offence; ~ist criminalist; (äv.) criminologist;
~istförening; Svenska K~istföreningen the
Swedish Association of Criminalists; ~istik
criminology, knowledge of criminal law;
~itet criminality, crime, delinquency;
~kemi criminal chemistry; ~kommissarie
detective superintendent, C. I. D. (Criminal
Investigation Department) superintendent;
~kongress criminological (crime) congress,
congress of criminologists; ~konstapel (hist.)
detective [constable], police constable C. I. D.,
C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation Department)
officer; ~lag penal law, criminal law (code);
~lagstiftning penal (criminal) legislation;
~man detective [officer], detective sergeant
(inspector, superintendent, commissioner),
C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation Department)
officer; plainclothesman, crime investigator;
(Br äv.) detective constable; ~museum
criminological museum; ~patient insane
criminal, criminal of unsound mind detained
in a mental hospital, mental hospital
criminal; ~polis (avdelning) Criminal
Investigation Department, (förk.) C. I. D.; detective
force; criminal (plainclothes) police;
~person se ~man; ~polisintendent detective
commissioner, C. I. D. (Criminal
Investigation Department) commissioner; (äv.) [-[detective]-]
chief superintendent;
~poliskommission; Internationella K~po lis kommissionen
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