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löp|skida 512 lösnummer|försäljning
dags- och veckotidningar placards of daily papers
and weeklies ; ~skida [cross-country] running
ski, ski for level running; ~stenar (i
kollergång) runners, runner stones; ~stil (sport)
running style; (skidsport) skiing style (form)
löptid (band.) currency [of a bill], life [of a loan],
duration, [period of] validity, maturity, time
to run [of a bill], redemption date, [the normal
maximum] tenor [of drafts], term [currency],
time; (el) transit time; (sport) time of run;
med kort återstående ~ with early maturity,
with short remainder of life, with short time
to run; ~en skall utsträckas the maturity date
shall be extended [to the year 1969]; ~ för
kredit credit period; obligationer, för vilka ~en
ännu ej utgått bonds to mature; patents ~ term
of a patent; under försäkringens ~ during the
currency (life, run) of the insurance (policy);
utgiva obligationer med korta eller medellånga ~er
to issue bonds with short or intermediate
löpvagn (transport) [trolley] carriage (crab),
travelling crab; ~ med lyft krok för kabelkran
cableway carriage with hook load; ~ med
tippanordning för kabelkran cableway carriage
with tipping skip; släpskopa med ~ cableway
excavator carriage and skip
löpvikt sliding weight
lördagsstängning Saturday closing; (äv.) closed
Saturdays, the system of being closed on
Saturdays, the system of closed all day on
Saturdays; tidig ~ early closing on Saturdays,
early Saturday-closing
lös loose; (rörlig) movable, portable; (avtagfiar)
detachable; (reserv) spare [parts]; (blyerts)
soft; (flytande) running; (slapp) loose, slack,
flabby, flaccid; (skott) blank; (förbindelser)
irregular; (seder) loose, lax; (misstankar)
vague, (äv.) baseless, groundless; ill-founded
(ill-grounded) statements /fast och ~ egendom
real and movable estate; i ~ vikt (om last)
in bulk; to ship in bulk; lagen om köp och byte
av ~ egendom the law on the sale and exchange
of personal property; (Br) the Sale of Goods
Act[, 1893]; ~a delar (ej hopmonter ade) loose
parts; ~ last bulk cargo; ~ manschett
detachable cuff; ~t mått stacked cubic content
(volume); ~ ~ladd (el) flexible, (US) cord
lösa (lösgöra etc.) to release, to set free, to
detach; (lossa på) to loose, to loosen, to let
loose; (knut etc.) to und~, to unfasten, to
untie; (kem.) to dissolve, to solute; (utlösa)
to redeem, (biljett etc.) to buy, to pay for,
to take [out], to get; (problem) to solve, to
resolve, to work out; a formula that would
resolve this difficulty; försöka ~ ett problem to
try to solve a problem, to grapple with a
problem; ~ chiffer to decipher a code, to
decode; ~ (betala) dokument to take up
documents; ~ en inteckning to redeem a
mortgage ; ~ en tvist to settle a dispute; ~ en växel
to honour (meet, take up) a draft (bill [of
exchange]); ~ in to cash, to redeem; ~ licens
to take [out] a licence; uppbud, laglig värdering
och ~ande av pant the report to a court, the
legal assessment and the redemption of a
pledge (pledged security)
lös|barhet (kem.) solubility; ~blad loose-leaf;
(för urrivning) tear sheet
lösblads|bok loose-leaf binder (file, book,
notebook); (huvudbok) loose-leaf ledger; (ringbok
äv.) ring binder (book), binder; papper för
~böcker loose-leaf paper; ~bokföring looser
-leaf accounting (book-keeping, accountancy);
~kalender loose-leaf calendar; ~katalog
loose-leaf catalogue; ~system loose-leaf
lös|brev unregistered (ordinary) letter;
~cementfartyg; självlossande ~cementfartyg
self-discharging [bulk] cement tanker (transporter,
haulage unit, haulier, hauler); ~drivare (jur.)
vagrant; ~drivarlag Vagrancy Act;
~driven vagrancy [offence]; åtalad för ~driven
prosecuted for vagrancy; ~egendom
personal estate (property, effects), [personal]
chattels, goods and chattels, movable property
(goods), movables, effects, personalty; (äv.)
choses in action; inteckning i ~egendom chattel
mortgage, [a] mortgage on personal property
lösen (för stämpel etc.) stamp fee (duty), (US äv.)
stamp tax; (äv.) charge[s], fee[s], revenue
duty, notary’s (certificate) fee; (lösenord)
password; watchword, catchword, slogan, motto;
dagens ~ the order of the day; export promotion
should be the order of the day; mot ~ av dokument
against payment of the documents (of a
documentary draft), against taking up the
documents; taga ~ för aktie to accept a
retirement price; jfr dokument~, dom—;
~belägga to surcharge; ~försändelse
non-prepaid letter (package); parcel (package)
sent carriage forward; ~märke fee stamp;
duty stamp; the memorandum has to bear a fee
stamp varying from £2 to a maxifnum of £jo,
according to the amount of the nominal capital of
the company; a capital duty is payable by way of
an ad valorem duty stamp impressed on the
statement of the nominal capital
lös|form hand mould; ~göra to loose[n], to
let go (fly); to disengage, to detach;
~huggning (skogs.) liberation (severance) felling
(US cutting); ~kubikmeter cubic metre
(cu.m.) stacked volume; ~lig (kem.) soluble,
dissolvable; (fig.) loose; ~ligt färgämne dye
[stuff]; vara ~ligt i to be soluble in; svår—lig
sparingly soluble; ~lighet solubility;
lighetsgräns limit of solubility
lösning (kem.) solution; (fig.) solution [of], key
[to]; fast ~ solid solution; i brist på en
vänskaplig ~ failing (in the absence of) a friendly
solution; isotonisk ~ isotonic solution; ~en
av detta problem the solution to (of) this
problem; mättad ~ (kem.) saturated solution;
åstadkomma en ~ to find (bring about, reach)
a solution
lösnings|förmåga dissolving ability (capacity);
~kar dissolver, dissolving chest; ~maskin
dough mixer; ~medel solvent, dissolvent;
~mix solution mixer; ~polymerisering
polymerisation in solution; ~rätt right of
redemption (first refusal); prior option to
purchase [shares]; right to buy [back], right
to [re]purchase
lösnummer single copy; ~försäljning sale of
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