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medborgar|förbund        529        meddelande

subject; världs— cosmopolitan, cosmopolite,

citizen of the world

medborgar|förbund civic (citizens’) association;

Svenska Kvinnors M~förbund Swedish Women’s

Citizens Association; ~grupp group of

citizens; ~hus civic (community) centre,

assembly hall; ~institution civil institution; ~kort

[a] citizen’s card; ~kunskap civics; ~kurs

course in civics, (US) citizenship course;

~rättslig; i ~rättsligt hänseende as regards

citizenship law; ~samhälle civil society

medborgarskap citizenship, nationality,

naturalization; akademiskt ~ membership of a

university, academic status; för att erhålla svenskt ~

in order to obtain Swedish citizenship

(nationality); lagen om svenskt ~ the Swedish

Nationality (Citizenship) Act; äga svenskt ~

to enjoy Swedish citizenship

medborgarskaps|avseende; i ~ avseende as

regards citizenship; ~lag Nationality

(Citizenship) Act (Law); ~lagstiftning citizenship

legislation; ~rätt law of citizenship

medborgarskola (ung.) [a] citizens’ school;

Studieförbundet A4—SFM the Educational

Association of the Citizens’ School

medborgen|sman joint guarantor, co-guarantor,

co-surety, co-security; ~är fellow-creditor,

one of the [other] creditors

medborgerlig civic, civil; förlust av ~t förtroende

loss of [one’s] civil (civic) rights; ~ frihet är

grundvalen för detta konstrikt utformade

författningspolitiska system the liberty of the citizen

is the basis of this elaborately-shaped

constitutional system; ~ plikt civic duty;

tjänsteplikt compulsory national service; åtnjutande

av ~a rättigheter [full] enjoyment of civil

(civic) rights

medbringar|e (tekn.) driver, dog, finger; (äv.)

carrier; kedjetransportör med ~a pusher chain

conveyor; ~pinne se ~stift; ~skiva driving

disc; ~stift driving pin; ~transportör en

masse conveyor

meddela (omtala) to tell, to communicate to,

to let [s.o.] know, to inform (notify, särsk.

hand, advise) of, to acquaint ... with, to pass

on, to send [s.o.] word[s] [to the effect that];

(låta förstå) to intimate, to have [s.o.] to

know, to give [s.o.] to understand, (äv.) to

say, to call attention to, to point out, to

indicate, to specify, to explain, to mention,

to put (set) forth, to set (put, lay) before;

(uppge) to state, to impart to, to make known;

(kungöra etc.) to announce, to notify [of], to

give notice of, to report; (lämna) to give,

to grant, to furnish, (jur. äv.) to pronounce;

det ~s att it is announced (learnt) that,

information has been received to the effect

that; det varder härmed till bevis ~t this is to

certify ...; det är med beklagande jag måste ~

I regret to inform you; to my regret|have

to inform you; härmed har vi äran ~ att

hereby we have the honour to inform you

that; härmed ~s vi Eder att ... we [hereby]

wish to inform you that ... ; härmed ~s att

bolagsstämma kommer att hållas ... notice is

hereby given that the Annual General Meeting

of the Company will be held [at the Head

Office, Spring Gardens, Manchester, on

Friday, the ~th of February, 1965, at 12.30

p.m., for the following purposes namely:-];

~ (lämna) atomriskförsäkring to write insurance

(to issue insurance policies) against atomic

risks; ~ dorn to give (render) a decision,

to pass judgment; ~ föreskrifter angående to

issue (give) directions (instructions) as to;

~ föreskrifter i en för ett år i sänder fastställd

instruktion to give out directions in the form

of standing instructions for one year at a time;

~ genom (per) brev to inform (advise) by

letter; ~ oktr~, to confer a charter; ~ patent

to grant a patent; ~ ngn prokura to confer

procuration (authority to sign) on a person,

to accord (grant, give) procuration (Power of

Procuration) to a person, to authorize a person

to sign per procuration (per Pro., p. p.) [for

(on behalf of) a Company]; ~ stadfästelse to

sanction; ~ under hand to inform

confidentially; om ingen annan föreskrift ~s i

bolagsordningen if (where) no other provision is made

in the [company’s] articles of association;

förekommen anledning får vi härmed ~ att

we have cause to point out that ...;

circumstances make (cause) us to point out that ...;

we wish to draw your attention to the fact

that ...; we wish to point out that ...;

vi ber att ~ att ... we wish (want) to

inform you that ...; we would inform you

that ...; vi ber Er ~ när leverans kan ske

please tell us (let us know) when delivery

can be made, please let us know the date

of delivery (dispatch), please inform us as to

when delivery can be made

meddelaktig (jur.) accessory [to], party [to],

accomplice [in]; abettor [of]; vara ~ i en

förbrytelse to be a party (an accessory) to a

crime; ~het complicity [in], collusion; aiding

and abetting; he was charged with aiding and

abetting a burglar; efterföljande ~het accessory

(complicity) after the fact; föregående ~het

accessory (complicity) before the fact; samtidig

~het being a principal in the second degree

meddelande communication, notification;

(budskap) message, communiqué; (brev etc.) letter,

note, notification, paper, notice, (hand, äv.)

[letter of] advice; (underrättelse) [piece (item)

of] information (news), intelligence, intimation,

memorandum (förk.) memo; (uppgift)

statement, (äv. tidn. etc.) notification, report, story,

notice, paragraph, (officiellt) announcement,

(anslag) notice; (närmare meddelanden)

particulars, (äv.) comments [on]; (förenings- etc.)

communication[s], report[s], bulletin,

publication, (äv.) journal, review; anslå ett ~

to post a notice; betalt ~ (i tidn.) paid

announcement; Bränsletekniska Afsn Fuel

Technique Bulletins; ~ om to be notified

of, to receive notice of, to receive information

about, to learn (hear) about; ~ om att

to be informed (told) that, to learn that, to

receive information to the effect that; förtroligt

~ confidential communication, (US si.) dope;

inom 20 dagar från mottagandet av sådant ~

(jur.) within 20 days after the service of such

notice; jordbruksekonomiska M~n the Journal

of Agricultural Economics; Kommersiella

M~n (tidn.) Commercial Review (Communi-

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