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mötes|arrangör 565 meetmötes|tåg
mötes|arrangör organizer (promoter, planner,
originator, initiator, inaugurator, prime mover,
getter-up) of a meeting (conference);
~berättelse se mötesreferat; ~beslut resolution of
(passed by, passed at) a meeting (conference);
~bestyrelse organizing committee of a meeting
(conference); ~dag day (date) of a meeting
(conference); ~deltagare participant in a
meeting (conference); ~disciplin [the] discipline
(order) observed in the holding (conduct) of
a meeting (conference); ~frihet freedom
(right) of assembly; (äv.) freedom of speech;
~förbud interdiction of a public meeting;
utfärda ~förbud to prohibit (issue an order
prohibiting) [the holding of] public meetings;
~förhandlingar proceedings (deliberations,
discussions) at a meeting (conference);
~kallelse summons to (notice of [the holding of])
a meeting; ~krock head-on collision;
~kultur [the] standard maintained in the holding
(conduct) of a meeting (conference); ~ledare
conference leader; (scoutrörelse) rally-leader;
~lokal hall (room, place, premises) of a
meeting (conference), assembly (conference) room;
~majoritet majority (major part) of an
assembly; ~märke conference button (badge);
~ordförande chairman (president) of a
ing; ~plats meeting place (point, address),
place of assembly; (på väg) passing point; (äv.)
passing-place, turnout; rendezvous; venue;
~program program[me] of a meeting
(conference), agenda; ~protokoll minutes of a
meeting; ~punkt point of intersection,
intersecting-point; (äv.) point of union (convergence),
converging-point, junction; focus, centre [of
union], gathering-point; ~referat report on
(of) [the proceedings at] a meeting (conference);
~referent meeting (conference) reporter; ~
resolution se ~beslut; ~rätt right of
assembly (public meeting); ~spår (järnv.) siding,
passing track; ~station (järnv.) overtaking
(overhauling) point; ~talare person addressing
a meeting (conference), speaker at a meeting
(conference); ~teknik; ~ och
sammanträdesteknik the technique (forms and procedure) of
meetings and conferences; ~tid time (hour)
appointed (fixed) for [the holding of] a
meeting (conference); ~tryck conference papers
(publications), publications (printed matter)
issued in connection with a conference;
~turné; företaga en ~ turné (pol.) to tour [the
constituency], to set out on a round of
political meetings [in]; ~tåg train running (passing)
in opposite direction, (US) opposing train
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