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narkos 567 national|konvent
narkos anaesthesia, (US vanl.) anesthesia; (äv.)
anaesthesis; narcosis; ge ~ to anaesthetise,
(US vanl.) to anesthetize; to give anesthetics
to; elektrot electric narcosis (sleep);
~apparat anaesthetic (US vanl. anesthetic) ~apparatus;
~assistent, ~expert anaesthetist, (US vanl.)
anesthetist; ~givning administration of
anaesthetics (US anesthetics); ~läkare
anaesthetist, (US vanl.) anesthetist, [a] doctor who
administers anaesthetics (anesthetics); ~mask
anaesthetic mask, inhaler; ~medel
anaesthetic, anaesthetic agent; (US vanl.) anesthetic;
~sköterska nurse anaesthetist (US
anesthetist), [a] nurse who administers anaesthetics
(anesthetics); ~teknik anesthesiology
narkotika narcotics, [narcotic] drugs; (fam.)
dope; ~kommission; Förenta Nationernas
~kommission the United Nations Narcotics
Commission; ~kontroll narcotics control;
~trafik drug traffic; ~växt narcotic plant
narv grain, grain-side; ~a to grain; ~ad
grained; ~järn grainer; ~press embossing
press; ~pressningsmaskin embossing and
ironing machine; ~rulle grain roll; ~satt
grained; ~sida grain side; ~skada grain
damage; ~slipa to buff the grain; ~spalt
grain split; ~spricka cracking of the grain,
crack; ~svärta grain blacking; ~sättning
graining; ~vals grain roll
nasal subst., adj. (fonet.) nasal [sound]; ~era to
nasalize; ~konsonant nasal consonant;
~vokal nasalized vowel
Natal [the Province of] Natal
nation nation, people; (viduniv.) student society
(association), student’s club, (US särsk.)
fraternity; (eg.) association (club) of university
men hailing from the same province or city;
alliansfri ~ nonaligned nation; Förenta
N~er-na; se under förena; N~ernas Förbund (hist.)
the League of Nations, (förbundsrådet) the
Council of the League of Nations;
Internationella unionen för N~ernas Förbund the
International Federation of League of Nations
Societies; sjöfarts— maritime (seafaring) nation
national|bank national (central, state) bank,
(US) Federal Reserve Bank; Danmarks
IV~-bank the National Bank of Denmark, (äv.)
the Danish National Bank; ~banksguvernör
national bank governor; ~bibliotek national
library; ~bokföring national accounting
(accounts); ~budget national budget;
framlägga ~budgeten to publish the national budget;
reviderad ~budget för år 1966 revised national
budget for 1966; ~dag national holiday
(fete-day, commemoration day); ~dräkt
national dress (costume); ~egendom national
property, property of the Nation; ~egenskap
national characteristic; ~ekonom [political]
economist; ~ekonomi economics; (äv.)
political economy, economic science; professor
i ~ekonomi vid Stockholms Universitet Professor
of Economics (in) at the University of
nationalekonomisk economic, of economics,
of economic (political) science, of political
economy; Brittiska ~a biblioteket the British
Library of Political and Economic Science
(at the London School of Economics]; ~
fakultet Department of Political Science [at
the University of California]; N~a
Föreningen the Swedish Economic Society; IV~a
Föreningens Förhandlingar Transactions
(Proceedings) of the Swedish Economic Society;
Amerikanska ~a föreningen the American
Economic Association; Brittiska ~a föreningen
the Royal Economic Society; Indiska ~a
föreningen the Indian Economic Association;
Internationella ~a föreningen the International
Economic Association, (förk.) IE A;
Kanadensiska ~a föreningen the Canadian Political
Science Association; N~aföreningen i Sydafrika
the Economic Society of South Africa;
Pakistanska ~a föreningen the Pakistan
Economic Association; ~ institution Institute
(Department) of Economics (Political
Economy); ~a principer principles of economics;
~t sett from an economic point of view
national|fest national festival; ~flagga national
flag; ~färg national colour; ~förbund
national association (society, federation, league,
organization); N~förbundet för förhindrande av
grymhet mot barn (Br) the National Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,
(förk.) NSPCC; ~förening se ~förbund;
Nr~föreningen för Trafiksäkerhetens Främjande,
N. T. F. the National [Swedish] Road Safety
Organization; Svenska IV~/Öreningen mot
Tuberkulos och Andra Folksjukdomar the National
Swedish Association against Tuberculosis and
Other Endemic Diseases; ~förmögenhet
national wealth; ~församling National
Assembly ; ~galleri (konstgalleri) National [-[Portrait]-]
Gallery, National Gallery of [Modern]
Art; ~historia national history; ~historisk
of national history; ~hymn national anthem
nationalinkomst national income; (äv.) gross
national product; den reala ~en the real
national income; ~analys national income
analysis; ~beräkningar national income
computations (calculations); ~statistik
national income statistics
nationalis|era to nationalize; ~erade industrier
nationalized industries; av~era to
denationalize; to deprive of national rights (status);
~ering nationalization; transportmedlens
tering the nationalization of transport; ~m
nationalist nationalist; ~armé Nationalist
army; ~isk nationalist; N~kina Nationalist
China; ~regering; den kinesiska ~regeringen
the Chinese Nationalist Government; ~regim
Nationalist regime; ~styrkorna the
Nationalist forces
nationalitet nationality; (äv.) citizenship;
(fartyg) flag; ~s|certifikat certificate of
nationality; ~s- och registreringscertifikat certificate of
registry; ~s [princip [the principle of national]
self-determination; ~s|skylt nationality plate
national|karaktär national character;
~kommission national committee (commission);
~kommitté national committee;
Internationella Handelskammarens Svenska N~kommitté
the Swedish National Committee of the
International Chamber of Commerce; Svenska IV~
kommittén för Fysik the Swedish National
Committee for Physics; ~konvent national
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