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omgående        610        omlind|ning

omgående; ~ leverans prompt (immediate; spot)

delivery; för ~ leverans for immediate (prompt)

delivery; vi ber Er göra Ert bästa för att leverera

dem ~ please do your best (utmost) to deliver

them promptly (at once); ~ svar reply

(answer) by return, prompt (immediate) reply

(answer); vi emotse Ert svar we look (are

looking) forward to your reply by return

(your prompt reply, your immediate reply),

we hope to hear from you in a few days;

vårt anbud gäller endast vid ~ svar our offer is

subject to confirmation by return of post


om|gång (tur, varv) round, turn, spell;

(avbetalning etc.) instalment; (sats) set; batch, party,

relay; (avdelning) section, squad; (omak,

besvär) inconvenience, trouble, bother;

disadvantage, drawback, handicap; derangement;

fuss; difficulty; upplysning om hans adress

kan inhämtas utan väsentlig ~gäng eller tidsutdräkt

when information as to his address is

obtainable without undue difficulty or waste of

time; ~gärda; ~gärda ett antagande med starka

reservationer to qualify an assumption with

strong reservations

omhänder|ha to super vise, to administer, to

manage; borgen för ~havda medel fidelity

guarantee ; förskingra ~havda medel to embezzle money

entrusted to one’s care; garantiförbindelse för

~havda medel fidelity bond; ~tagandeklausul

goods-in-trust clause

omkast|a to reverse, to revert, to change over;

~are (el) [change-over] switch (key); ~ning

alteration, shifting, change, reversal; (fig.)

about-face; ~ningar i monteringsprogrammet

alterations in the assembly programme; tvära

aningar i konjunkturen sudden (abrupt) shiftings

(changes, reversals) in the general business

activity; ~ningsanordning reversing gear;

switch; ~ningsskiva (linbana) pulley for

changing direction of the rope; ~ningsspjäll

change-over valve; ~ningster mo meter

reversible thermometer; ~ningsventil

reversing valve

om|katalogisera to recatalogue; ~klassa (sjö.)

to reclassify; ~klassning reclassification;

~klädningsrum (i gymnastiksal etc.) locker

room; (äv.) changing room; ~konstruera

to redesign; ~konstruktion redesign, new

design; ~kopplare (el) change-over (selector,

throw-over, double-throw, circuit changing,

reversing, multiple) switch; (äv.) switch

commutator, reverser; ~koppling changing over;

clutch; commutation, rerouting;

reconnec-tion; switching; ~kopplingsbar

reconnec-tible, reversible; ~kopplingsrelä reversing


omkostnader cost[s]; (utgifter) expense[s],

expenditure, defrayals, defrayments; (jur.) costs;

(äv.) charges, [non-capital] outlays, current

operating expenses; allmänna ~ indirect

(overhead, undistributed) costs (charges,

expenses), overhead[s], general (working,

manufacturing, commercial, supplementary)

expenses, general administration charges, general

administrative expenses, management

(administrative) expenses, expenses of

management (administration); (äv.) oncost, burden;

bestrida ~na to pay (defray) the expenses;

(jur.) to pay [the] costs; diverse ~ sundry

expenses, other current expenses; fasta ~

standing charges; med avdrag för ~ charges

deducted; ~förutsedda ~ contingencies;

assurans & frakt cost, insurance and freight,

(förk.) C.I.F.; ~ för lagring charge[s] for

storage; (i tankar) tankage; ~ för rörelsen

operating expenses; vi skall ersätta Edra ~

we will defray (cover) your expenses, we will

reimburse (compensate) you for your

expenses; övriga ~ sundry expenditure; jfr

affärs~, bi~, försäkrings~, lagrings~,


omkostnads|fritt free [of charge], cost free;

~kalkyl cost account, estimate [of [-expenditure]; -] {+expendi-

ture]; +} ~konto expense[s] (charges) account,

expense sheet; allmänt ~ konto overhead

charges account, general expense[s] account;

boka allmänna ~kontot to charge to

expenses; ~kontroll costs control, check-up

on expenses; ~nota charges-note; norder

(bokför.) unproductive order; ~pålägg

overhead charge; ~redovisning cost accounting,

costing method (system); ~system

administrative costs system

omkrets circumference; (bildäck; vulstring) bead

circumference; (trädstam, midja) girth; cirkelns

~ the circumference of the circle; i ~ in

circumference, round; ~mått circumference

(girth) measurement; ~mätning (av stolpar)

string measure

omkristalliser|a to recrystallize; ~ing


omkörning overtaking; ~ till vänster overtaking

on the left; förbud (ung.) overtaking

prohibited, no passing

omladdningrecharge, recharging; (äv.) reversal

of the charge

omlag|d; ett ~t avräkningsförfarande the

application of a new system for the settlement of

the accounts [between . ..]

omlasta (sjö.) to transship, to reship, (äv.) to

reload; (järnv.) to shift, to reload; varan skall

the merchandise is to be transshipped;

~re reforwarder

omlastning (sjö.) transshipment, reshipment,

(äv.) reloading; (järnv.) shifting, reloading;

bli utsatt för svår påfrestning vid ~ to be exposed

to great strain during reloading

(transshipment); med ~ men genomgångskonossement

with transshipment but on through bill of

lading; ~ medgives icke transshipment not

permitted; ~■ under vägen transshipment en

route; utan ~ (sjö.) without transshipment,

[shipped] direct; (järnv. etc.) without change

of truck (goods waggon)

omlastnings|gods transshipment goods, goods

for transshipment, tranships pl.; ~hamn port

of transshipment; ~spår transshipping siding;

~station transshipping station; ~utgifter

transshipment charges; ~vagn transship

wagon (US transfer car); groupage wagon

(US freight car)

omleda se omdirigera

omlind|a to wind, to wrap; (förse med ny

lindning) to rewind; (en tråd) to tape, to cover;

~ning rewinding

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