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provisionell        688        prov|pumpning

provisionell provisional, preliminary; ~t cer

ti-fikat provisional certificate; ~ försäkring

provisional (preliminary) insurance

provisionsjanspråk claim for commission;

~avlönad paid on a commission basis;

mv-räkning commission account; obasis; agent

~basis agent on a commission basis;

~belastning commission charge;

~beräkning calculation of commission; ~berättigad

entitled to commission, commissionable;

~betalning payment of commission,

commission payment; ofordran claim for

commission, commission claimed; ~fri free of

commission; ~fri basis on a non-commission

basis; ~försäljning sale on commission;

~konto commission account; onota

commission note (account), note (bill, statement)

of commission; opliktig subject to a

commission; ~resande commission traveller

(agent), commercial traveller working on a

commission basis, traveller on commission;

~räkning se onota; ~sats rate of

commission, commission rate; ~tillgodohavande

commissions due; oUppställning statement

of commission; bill of commission; oyis by

way of commission, on a commission basis

provisorisk provisional, temporary, preliminary,

makeshift, interim; (äv.) tentative,

preparatory, introductory, advance; the proposals will

come into force provisionally; ~t aktiebrev scrip

[certificate]; ~ föredragningslista provisional

agenda; ~ inbetalning provisional payment;

~t seminarium (för snabbutbildning av lärare)

emergency college; ~ tillämpning av

överenskommelsen provisional application of the

agreement; ~ utdelning (interimsutdelning) scrip

bonus; upprätta en ~ dagordning to draw up

a provisional agenda

provisorium provisional arrangement (state [of

affairs], measure); (lag) provisional law

provitamin provitamin

prov|jack (tel.) test jack; ~kammare test

chamber; ~kampanj (rekl.) test (try-out)

campaign; ~kandidat student teacher;

~kaross (bil) test body; ~karta (hand.)

sample-pattern-) card; (geog.) specimen map;

~kof-fert sample trunk; ~kollektion sample

collection (assortment), assortment (collection,

range) of samples (patterns), [set of] samples,

agent’s samples; en särskild ~kollektion a

special collection of samples; ~kort (foto.)

proof, specimen print; ~kran test (gauge;

pet) cock; ~kropp test piece, testpiece; (äv.)

specimen; ~kvantitet sample [quantity];

okök experimental kitchen; ~köra to test;

okörare (bilfabrik) test driver; ~körning

trial (test) run, test[ing], test running; ( väg)

road test; ~körningsbana test track; olager

stock (collection) of samples (patterns);

~lampa (radio.) test tube; (äv.) test lamp;

~lapp sample, pattern; o/last test load;

olektion trial lesson; ~leverans trial

delivery (consignment), sample[s]; olopp trial

run; ~lärare probationary teacher;

~marknad (rekl.) test market; ~mjölkningsvåg

test milking gauge; omobilisering test

mobilization; omodell experimental (test,

pilot) model; omontering trial installation;

~motor test engine; kolvlös ~motor pistonless

test engine; omutter sample nut; ~mässa

sample[s] (industrial) fair; omönster pattern;

(TV) test pattern, (US) resolution chart

provning (tekn.) testing, checking; (konkr.)

test, trial, check; (av metaller) assay, assaying;

(experiment) experiment; (av användbarhet)

performance test; (av ytbeskaffenhet) surface

roughness test[ing]; (stegvis) step-by-step test;

(av kläder) fitting [on], trying on; ef

förstörande ~ non-destructive test; halvförstörande ~

semi-destructive examination; mekanisk ~

mechanical test[ing]; program för periodiska ~ar

schedule of periodic tests, (US) maintenance

testing schedule; ~ av fly ~ gräns (plast.) plastic

yield test, yield point (value) test; ~ in situ

in-situ test; radiografisk ~ radiographic

examination; jfr drag~, gammao, material~,

redskaps~, sträcko

provningsanstalt testing (research,

experimental) station (laboratory, institute); Chalmers

P~ Chalmers Testing Institute; Statens P~

the National [Swedish] Institute for Materials

Testing; (Br motsv.) the National Physical

Laboratory; (US motsv.) the National Bureau

of Standards; jfr frö~, skeppso

provningsapparat test[ing] ~apparatus

(instrument, set); jfr massa~, olje~} papperso;

our test gear

provnings|arbete test[ing] work; oattest

(tekn.) [official] test certificate; (äv.) assay

certificate; (stickprovsundersökning) sampling

certificate; ~avdelning testing department;

~avgift testing fee (charge); (äv.)

conditioning charge; ~bestämmelser test

specifications; ~bevis (ocertifikat) test certificate

~central testing centre; ~data test data;

~dos test dose; ~föreskrifter testing

specifications (directions, instructions); ~försök

pilot project; ~ingenjör test[ing] (trials)

engineer; ~instrument testing instrument;

~intyg test (inspection) certificate;

~laboratorium testing laboratory; ~maskin testing

machine; ~metod test[ing] method;

~nedfall (kärnfys.) testing fallout; ~protokoll

test report (certificate); (äv.) research report;

~reaktor test[ing] reactor; oresultat test

result; osatellit test satellite; oserie test[ing]

series, series of tests; ~station testing station;

reaktor ~station reactor testing station;

~teknik testing technique; ~tekniker testing

operator (engineer, technician); ~tid testing

time; ~transformator testing transformer;

~verkstad test[ing] [work]shop

provnummer (tidn. etc.) specimen copy

(number, issue); ( bil) test number

provokationstest (med.) provocation test;

~torisk provocative, inflammatory; ~tör

[agent] provocateur

prov|område (rekl.) test market; ~omröstning

test ballot; (äv.) straw ballot (vote); ~order

trial (sample) order; ~paket sample package;

~pall stool [for trying on shoes]; ~papper

test-paper; ~platta test disc; oplint

(mätte kn.) test terminal box; oprenumeration

trial subscription; ~projekt pilot project;

~prospektering trial prospecting; ~pump

gauging pump; ~pumpning trial pumping;

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