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renvatten        730        reportage

renvatten purified (clean) water; ~behållare

clean water storage tank (basin)

reo|bas (elektrobiol.) ~heobase; ~graf (el)


teol shelves pl.; (bokhylla) book-case (-shelves);

(äv.) rack, [nest of] pigeon-holes

reolog (fys.) ~heologist; m ~heology; ~isk

~heologic, ~heological; Brittiska ~iska

sällskapet the British Society of Rheology;

Holländska ~iska sällskapet the Netherlands

Rheological Society; Internationella ~iska

kommittén the International Committee on

Rheology; friska egenskaper ~heological properties

reometer rheometer

re[organisation reorganization; ~organisera

to reorganize; ~orientering reorientation

re~[stat (el) rheostat; jfr finreglerings ~stat;

ostriktion (el) rheostriction, pinch effect

rep1 (strain.fys.) rep [: roentgen equivalent,


rep2 rope, cord; (om livet) girdle; (till hängning)

rope, halter; (förankringslina) cable, hawser,

rope; (äv.) line; tackle; (pl. äv.) rigging;

hänga ~en (boxn.) to hang on the ropes

rep|a subst, tear, scratch, chink; (från dragskiva

i dragna produkter) die line; längsgående oør

longitudinal scratches; ~ käns lig för ~or

scratch-proof; II verb to tear, to scratch; (lin) to

ripple; ~a upp (text.) to unravel

reparabel repairable, mendable

reparation repair[s], repairing[s]; servicing;

(sjö. äv.) refit[ment]; (äv.) reconditioning;

mending, patching [up]; genomgripande ~

thorough repair[s], [thorough] overhaul

(reconditioning); göra (utföra) ~er to make

(undertake, carry out) repairs, to do repair

work; kostnadsfria ~er repairs free of charge

(cost), free repairs; lokalernas ~er the repairs

to the premises; ~ av genomslag (däck)

puncture repair; o~r och underhåll repairs and

maintenance; stängt grund av ~ closed for

repairs; undergå (vara under) ~ to undergo

(be undergoing) repairs, to be under repair,

to be in the course of rehabilitation; (sjö. äv.)

to be refitted, to receive repairs; vid eventuella

otfr if repairs should be necessary

reparations|arbete repairs, repair work; (konkr.)

[a] repair job; oattiraljer repair outfit;

~avdelning repair[s] (repairing, service, servicing)

department; ~avdrag (i självdeklaration)

repairs allowance; ~bas (person) master

mechanic; ~bil repair lorry (truck); jfr

bärgningsbil; ~docka (sjö.) repair dock;

~förman master mechanic; ogrop inspection

(repair) pit; ~gummi patching (repair)

rubber; ohamn repair port; ohandbok

repair manual; ohangar maintenance hangar;

~kalkyl estimate of repairs; ~kappa

(gummi-lapp) rubber (repair) patch; (äv.) blow-out

patch, tyre gaiter; ~konto repairs (wear and

tear) account; ~kordlager reinforcing

cord-layer, reliner; ~kostnader cost of repair[s],

repair costs; (bil äv.) garage expenses; kvitton

för ~ kostnader receipts for repairs; olapp

puncture-repair patch; ~material repair

material; ~order repair order; ~plats (mil.)

service park; ~press (för bildäck) repair [-(sec-tion[al])-] {+(sec-

tion[al])+} press; ~remsa (för däck) patchstrip;

~räkning repairs bill; oservice repair

service; oskomakare shoemaker, cobbler,

bootmaker, boot repairer; ~ställning repair stand;

~svetsning deposit welding; ~tid repair

time; ~tjänst repairs (maintenance) service

(department); ~utgifter se ~kostnader;

~utrustning repair[ing] outfit; ovarv repair[ing]

yard; ~verkmästare maintenance (repairs,

repairing) supervisor (overseer); ~verkstad

repair shop; (bil- ofta) garage; ~verktyg

repair tool

reparativ reparative; ~ funktion (skadestånds)

reparative function

reparatör repairer, repairman, mender, mechanic,

millwright, engineer, technician; (tel.)

lineman, test man, tester, maintenance man, section

lineman; jfr bil~, cykel~, radio—; ~lärling

repairer’s apprentice; ~s|ömråde repairfer’s]

service area

reparera to repair; (lappa etc.) to patch, to

mend; (äv.) to fix [up]; (sjö. äv.) to refit

reparti|sera to apportion, to divide into [equal]

portions; (vid överteckning) to allot; ~sera om

kostnader to share expenses; ~tion (vid

överteckning) allotment; (av skatt) apportionment

of tax; ~tionsskatt apportioned (rated) tax

repatrier|a to repatriate; ~ing repatriation;

repatriation of foreign capital and dividends;

~ingsförhandlingar repatriation

negotiations; ~ingskom mis sion; De Neutrala

Staternas R~ingskommission [i Korea] the Neutral

Nations Repatriation Commission, (förk.)


repdrift V-belt (rope) drive (transmission)

repeater (överförare, omförare) repeater, bend


repellera (elektron.) to repel, to repulse

reperforjator reperforator; ~era to reperforate

repeter J~a to repeat; (undervisn.) torevise; (teat.)

to rehearse; (äv.) to reiterate; to read back

[a message]; ~gevär repeater, repeating rifle;

~kompass indicator for gyrostatic compass,

repeater compass; ~mottagare (ubåt; från

hydrofonpå bryggan) bridge repeater unit; our


repetition (upprepning) repetition, (äv.)

reiteration; (undervisn.) revision; (teat.) rehearsal,

(äv.) audition, refresher instruction

repetitions|kurs refresher (recapitulation) course,

brush[ing]-up programme (US program); osal

rehearsal room; ~tecken repeat; ~övning

(mil.) refresher [practice] course; ~övningarna

inom krigsmakten the Defence Forces’ refresher


repetitör (signal-) signal (arm) repeater

rephållfasthet se repningshållfasthet

replipunkt (mil.) rallying point

repnings|hållfasthet scratch resistance;

~maskin (för lin) [flax] rippling machine

report (börs.) contango, continuation, carrying

over, carry-over; ~affär contango (carrying

over, carry-over, continuation) business


reportage (verksamhet) reporting, giving a [-[running]-]

commentary [on]; (tidnings-) report,

coverage, news story (account), reportage,

newspaper report (article) [on], set of

contributed articles [on a topical subject], [to write

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