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röjnings|kniv 767 röntgen|kristallografisk
felling (US cutting), cleaning [of a
regeneration area]; (US) disengagement cutting,
cutting following regeneration cutting; (äv.)
weeding; ~kniv billhook, brush hook,
clearing knife; ~kostnad; försäkring av ~ kostnader
insurance of cost of debris removal; ~lie
shoot (sucker, US brush) scythe; ~manskap
demolition squad; ~maskin machine for land
clearing; ~område clearing, cleared area;
~plog forest (woodland) plough (US plow),
(särsk. US) brush (prairie buster) plow;
~projekt clearance scheme; ~såg clearing
(cleaning) saw, saw for land clearing; ~traktor
bulldozer; ~yta se ~område; ~yxa clearing
(cleaning) axe (ax), axe (ax) for land clearing
röjsax clearing shears
rök smoke; (särsk. ~behaglig) fume[s]; ~a (tobak,
gummi etc.) to smoke; (desinficera) to fumigate,
to smoke; (konservera) to cure; (utsända rök)
to smoke; ~t arkgummi ribbed smoked sheets,
(förk.) R. S. S.; ~absorberingsanordning
smoke-absorbing device; ~aggregat smoke
generator; ~a ~ vänj ning [skur] antidotal
smoking treatment, antidotal treatment for
smokers; ~bildare smoke pot; ~bildning
smoke generation (production, formation);
~bildningsapparat smoke generator; ~
bomb smoke bomb; ~bord smoker’s table;
~detektor smoke detector; ~dykare
smoke-helmeted (smoke-respirator) fireman;
~dy-karhjälm smoke-helmet; ~dykarskola
smoke-helmet instruction centre; ~eri
smokehouse, curing yard, smoke-curing
establishment; ~eriarbetare smoker; ~fackla smoke
candle; ~filter smoke filter; ~flygare sky
writer; ~flygreklam sky writing; ~fri
smokeless; smoke-free [town]; ofria bränslen
smokeless fuels; ofritt krut smokeless [-[gun]-powder; -] {+[gun]-
powder; +} ~fång [fume] hood, smoke bonnet,
funnel; ~förgiftning asphyxiation
rökgas flue gas; (äv.) stack (chimney, waste)
gas, fumes pl.; härdighet mot ~er (färgäkthet)
colour fastness to gas fumes; varma ~er hot
flue gases; ~analys flue-gas analysis;
~analy-sator flue-gas analyzer (tester); ~förvärmare
economizer; ~generator smoke generator;
~kanal flue; R~kommittén the Flue Gas
Committee; ~ledning flue duct; ~provare
flue-gas tester; ~rening flue-gas cleaning;
~skrubb er flue-gas scrubber
rök|granat smoke shell; (hand-) smoke-grenade;
~gång [smoke] flue; ~handgranat smoke
hand-grenade, smoke-grenade; ~hjälm
smoke-helmet; ~hjälmsslang smoke-helmet
hose; ~huv chimney-cowl, hood, chimney
top, smoke bonnet; (äv.) exhaust-smoke
trunk; ~kanal (bygg.) [chimney] flue;
~klinik (avvänjningsklinik mot tobaksrökning)
antidotal smoking clinic; ~kupé
smoking-compartment; smoker; (skylt) for smokers;
~kvarts smoky quartz; ~ljus (sjö.) smoke
candle, marine marker; ~lucka (teat.) smoke
outlet [on grid], (US) skylight; ~låda (teat.)
smoke box (US pot); ~mask smoke mask;
~medel smoke agent; ~mätare; fotoelektrisk
~mätare photoelectric smoke meter; ~ning
(tobak, gummi etc.) smoking; (desinfektion)
fumigation; (konservering) smoking,
-curing; ~paus smoking break; ~pipa
smoking pipe; ~projektil smoke projectile;
~pulver fumigating powder; ~ridå smoke
screen; ~segel smoke sail; ~servis smoker’s
set; ~signal smoke signal; ~skada damage
by smoke, smoke damage;
~skadeförsäkring smoke insurance; ~skrift sky writing;
~skydd smoke protection, protection against
smoke; ~skyddsapparat breathing
apparatus; ~skåp smoke box; ~svag; ~ svagt krut
smokeless powder; ~t smoked, smoke-cured;
~tobak smoking tobacco; ~topas smoky
topaz, cairngorm; ~tät smokeproof;
~uppsats smoker’s set; ~utensilier smoking
articles; ~vätskebehållare smoke screen
apparatus; ~öppning smoke hole
rölakan (text.) [a] type of kelim-like tapestry,
woven on an ordinary loom
rön observation [s], experience[s], findings, results
of experiments (researches), achievements,
investigations, discoveries [in medical research]
röntga to X-ray, to treat with X-rays, to
radiograph, to take an X-ray; (äv.) to röntgenize
röntgen roentgen, röntgen; (-strålar) X-rays;
jfr sms.; ~absorption X-ray absorption;
~analys X-ray (roentgen) analysis;
~anläggning X-ray equipment (unit); ~apparat X-ray
(roentgen) machine (apparatus, unit),
radiographic ~apparatus; (koll. äv.) X-ray
apparatus (equipment); ~avdelning X-ray
(Radiotherapy) Department; ~behandla se röntga;
~behandling X-ray treatment, radiotherapy;
~bestråla to X-ray; ~bestrålning X-raying;
~bild X-ray picture (photograph),
radiograph, radiogram, (äv.) electrograph,
exograph, roentgen-phot~, roentgenogram;
(skiss) ghosted view, X-ray illustration;
~biträde X-ray assistant; ~central roentgen
(X-ray) centre (central offices pl.); Tekniska
Rocentralen AB, TRC the Technical X-ray
Centre, Ltd.; ~daktylogram X-ray (roentgen)
dactylogram; ~dermatit X-ray (roentgen)
dermatitis, radiodermatitis; ~diagnos X-ray
(radio, Roentgen) diagnosis; ~diagram X-ray
diagram (diffraction pattern); ~ diffraktion
X-ray diffraction; ~djupbehandling deep
X-ray therapy (treatment); ~enhet roentgen
[unit], (förk.) r; (för människan) rem [:
roentgen equivalent, røan]; (fys.) rep [: roentgen
equivalent, physical]; ~film X-ray (Roentgen,
Röntgen) film; ~forskning radiological
research, radiology; ~fotograf radiographer;
~fotografering X-ray photography,
radiography, roentgenography; ~fotografi se
~bild; ~fotogram X-ray powder
photograph; ~fysik X-ray physics; ~generator
X-ray generator; ~genomlysa to X-ray, to
screen; ~genomlysning radioscopy,
screening; ~ingenjör X-ray engineer;
~installation X-ray (roentgen) installation (outfit);
~kamera X-ray camera; ~kastrering
castration by means of X-rays; ~klinik X-ray
clinic; ~kontrastmedel X-ray contrast
preparation (agent, fluid, liquid); ~kontroll X-ray
examination (check-up, control);
~kontrollavdelning X-ray examination department (på
sjukhus äv. ward); ~kristallografi X-ray
crystallography; ~kristallografisk X-ray
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