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sjuksköterske|elev        800        själv|antändningstemperatur

sister; ( sjukhus) [hospital] nurse, staff nurse,

[ward] sister; (avdelnings-) head-nurse, ward

sister, (äv.) assistant matron; Statens Institut

för Högre Utbildning av S~or the National

[Swedish] Institute for Advanced Training of

Nurses; Sveriges Yngre S~ors Förening, SYSF

the Swedish Junior Association of Nurses;

utexaminerad ~a trained (registered, certified,

US graduate) nurse

sjuksköterske|elev student-nurse, pupil nurse,

(särsk. US) nurse trainee; (vid tilltal) nurse;

~förbund; Internationella ~förbundet the

International Council of Nurses, (förk.) ICN;

~förening; Svensk Syförening, SSF the

Swedish Nurses’ Association; ~kurs course for

nurses, nursing course; ~lärare teacher at a

nursing school; (äv.) tutor sister; ~skola

nurses’ (nursing) school, school for nurses;

Statens Saskola the National [Swedish] School

for Nurses; ~tyg material for nurses’ uniforms

(dresses); ~uniform nurse’s uniform;

~utbildning nursing education (training,


sjuk|stall veterinary hospital; ~stuga cottage

hospital; ~stuguläkare cottage hospital

physician (doctor); ~stuguläkarförening; Svenska

Systuguläkarföreningen the Swedish Society of

Cottage Hospital Doctors; ~syster se

~sköterska; ~transport [the] conveyance of

patients; ~transportvagn se ~vagn;

~understöd sickness (sick) benefit (relief), disability

benefit; jfr ~ersättning; ~utgifter expenses

due to illness; ~vagn (järnv.) ambulance

(red-cross) coach; (bil) [motor] ambulance

sjukvård medical attendance (care), nursing,

nursing (health) service[s], nursing (care) of

the sick, bedside care, sick-nursing; (äv.)

public health; allmän hälsö- och ~ i Sverige

public health and sick care in Sweden; fri ~

free medical attention (treatment); industriell ~

health and medical services in industry;

Kommittén för Översyn av Hälsö- och S~en i Riket

the Swedish Committee on Medical Services

and Public Health; Stockholms Städs S~ the

Stockholm City Medical (Hospital) Services;

~are male nurse, hospital (medical) orderly

(attendant), orderly; hospital porter; (sjö.)

sick-berth attendant

sjukvårds|artiklar sanitary (medical) articles,

nursing requisites; ~beredning; Centrala

S~beredningen the Central Board of Hospital

Planning; ~beredskapsnämnd;

Medicinalstyrelsens S~beredskapsnämnd the Medical

Preparedness Committee of the National [-[Swedish]-]

Board of Health; ~biträde practical nurse,

[hospital] attendant, nurse’s assistant; (manl.)

hospital orderly, (äv.) stretcher-bearer;

~direktör Director of the [Stockholm] City

Medical Services; ~elev pupil (student) nurse,

probationer; (pl. äv.) nurses in training;

~ersättning medical expenses allowance;

~förmån medical benefit; ~försäkring

medical expenses insurance; ~förvaltning;

Stockholms Städs Syförvaltning the Stockholm City

Medical Services Administration;

~inrättning hospital; an institution where the ill or

injured may receive medical, surgical, or

psychiatric treatment, nursing,, food and lodging, etc.

during illness; ~institution health service

institution; ~kostnader medical costs

(expenses), hospital expenses, expenses for

medical attendance; ~lära care of the sick, nursing,

medical care (attendance); medical science;

therapeutics pl.; ~personal medical (hospital,

nursing) staff (personnel); ~rotel (i

stadsförvaltning) Public Health Department;

~styrelse; Försvarets S~styrelse the Medical Board

of the [Swedish] Armed Forces; Stockholms

Stads S~styr else the Stockholm City Medical

Services Board; ~utrustning medical


sjunk|a to sink; (om fartyg äv.) to go down,

to founder; (falla; om priser etc.) to drop,

to fall, to decline, to come (go) down, to

abate, (plötsligt) to slump, to tumble [down],

(vika tillbaka) to recede; (ge efter) to give

way, to yield; (minska) to decrease, to

diminish, to decline, to fall, to [be on the]

wane; (i värde) to depreciate, to come (go)

down, to sink, to decline, to fall; (el; om

spänning) to fall, to drop; (om teletrafik) to

decline; (kem.) to precipitate; (om vattenstånd)

to sink, to subside, to fall, to go down; (om

tidvatten) to ebb, to go out (down); (bygg.)

to settle, to subside, (om tak) to sag; (geol.)

to subside; (flyg.) to lose altitude (height,

flying speed); vår fordran EPU hade ~tt

till J64 milj. kr. our balance with the E. P. U.

had fallen to Kr. 564 million; ~ande (fig.)

falling, declining, drooping, sagging; en ~ande

tendens a falling (downward) tendency (trend);

~ande konjunktur business recession; ~ande

priser declining (falling, drooping, sagging)

prices; ~ande valutor depreciating currencies;

~anrikning; ~ och flytanrikning heavy-density

(heavy media) separation; ~bomb depth

charge (bomb), submarine bomb;

~bomb-fällare depth charge rack (trap); ~bombfält

depth charge pattern; ~bombkastare

depth-charge launcher; ~box (järnverk) hot top

[sinkhead], sinkhead, shrink head;

~box-plattor hot-tops for chill moulds;

~flytmetod (gruv.) heavy-media separation process,

sink-float ore dressing; ~gjut riser;

~hastighet sinking (sedimentation) rate; (flyg.) rate

of descent; ~hastighetsmätare; stig- och

~hastighetsmätare (flyg.) rate-of-climb

indicator; ~huvud feeder [head]; riser;

~matare riser; ~ning sinking; (sättning)

subsidence; ~ningsfaktor (flottn.) sinkagefactor;

~ningsförlust (flottn.) sinkage loss, loss from

sinking; ~tank (ubåt) Q-tank; ~virke

(flottn.) sunken logs, sinkers

sjustat|erna (hand.pol.) the [Outer] Seven; (off.)

[the member states of] the European Free

Trade Association, (förk.) EFTA;

s~s|konventionen the Convention establishing the

European Free Trade Association;

s~s|marknaden the market of the [Outer] Seven (of

the European Free Trade Association)

sjustegsraket seven-stage rocket

Själ|land Zealand, Sealand; (äv.) Zeeland;

s—ländare Zealander, Sealander

själv|alstring (el) self-excitation; ~antändning

spontaneous|self-] ignition, spontaneous

combustion (fire); ~antändningstemperatur self-

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