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stifteise|dag 893 stil|gjuteri
Svenska Lantbruks veckan the Swedish Week
of Agriculture Foundation; S~n Unga
Forskare the Swedish Junior Science Club
Foundation; S~n Unga Kvinnors Värn the
Stockholm Foundation for the Protection of Young
Women; S~n för Ångpannekemisk
Forskning the Research Foundation for Boiler
stifteise|dag day (date) of the foundation [of
sth]; founder’s day; ~handling se ~urkund;
~kungörelse statement for publication of
(on) the basic principles on which a
joint-stock company shall be formed; published
Memorandum of Association; ~urkund (Br)
Memorandum of Association; (US) Articles
(Certificate) of Incorporation, Corporate
Charter; Charter; the Charter of a Company;
Trust Deed; Warrant; (enkelt bolag etc.)
Partnership Agreement, Deed of Partnership,
Partnership Contract; (äv.) deed (instrument)
of foundation; ~urkund och bolagsordning [the]
Memorandum and Articles of Association;
~år year of [the] foundation
stift|häftning (bokbind.) wire-stitching;
~kontakt plug contact; ~lapp top piece (lift);
~list terminal (tag) strip; ~maskin (sko.)
slugging machine; loose nailer; ~ning nailing,
tacking; ~penna propelling (mechanical,
automatic, filling) pencil; ~plint terminal
stifts|- diocesan; ~adjunkt diocesan curate;
~arkiv diocesan archives (record office);
~bibliotek diocesan library; ~gård diocesan
centre; ~jägmästare diocesan (ecclesiastical)
forest officer; ~kamrer diocesan treasurer;
~medel pl. diocesan funds; ~myndigheter
diocesan authorities; ~möte diocesan
conference (meeting); ~notarie (ung.) diocesan
notary, secretary (clerk) to the diocesan
authorities; ~nämnd diocesan parsonage
board; ~råd diocesan council; Stockholms
S~råd the Stockholm Diocesan Council;
~sekreterare (ung.) diocesan secretary,
secretary (clerk) to the diocesan authorities; ~stad
cathedral city, diocesan capital, seat of the
bishopric; ~styrelse diocesan board;
~-stämma general assembly [of a diocese];
~synod diocesan synod
stift|tand pivot (pin) tooth; ~tillhållare (i lås)
pin tumbler
stiga (röra sig uppåt) to rise, to ascend, to go
(run, start) up, to mount [up], to move
upwards, to swell; (om pris) to rise, to increase,
to go up, to grow dearer, (ur sälj ar synpunkt)
to advance [in price], to improve, to look up,
(starkt) to soar, to rocket, to skyrocket;
(om ljud) to rise; (flyg.) to climb, to gain
height (altitude), to ascend; (öka, tillta, växa)
to rise, to grow, to [be on the] increase, to
go up, to advance, to gain momentum;
(häftigt) to soar, to surge [upwards], to shoot up,
to undergo a rapid growth; importen har stigit
the import has increased; ~ i pris to advance
(rise) in price, to go up, to get dearer (more
expensive); ~ i kurs to go up, to rise, to
improve; ~ i rang to acquire a higher rank
stigande rising, upward, climbing, ascending;
(om pris) rising, advancing, on the rise;
(ökande) rising, increasing, growing, on the
increase, gathering, mounting, on the
upgrade; prices have an upward tendency;
efterfrågan på arbetskraft rising (growing) demand
for manpower (labour); ~ gjutning bottom
cast (pour), up-hill casting, up-running, cast
from the bottom; ~ konjunkturer rising
(upward) tendency (trend) [of the market],
upswing, business revival; ~ kostnader rising
costs; ~ kurva upward curve; ~ livränta
(premium, återbäring) increasing annuity
(premium, bonus); priserna är i ~ the prices are
advancing (going up, on the rise; bli bättre
looking up); våldsamt ~ priser sky-rocketing
prices; ~ rörelse upward (ascending)
movement; efter en ~ skala on an ascending scale,
progressively]; ~ sväng (flyg.) climbing turn
stig|bygel stirrup; ~bygelrem stirrup leather;
~effekt (flyg.) climbing power;
~egenskaper (flyg.) climbing qualities; ~fart (flyg.)
climbing speed; ~filt (pappers.) [reverse]
press felt; ~förmåga (flyg.) climbing
performance (qualities, capacity); ~hastighet
(flyg.) rate of climb; (för ballong) rate of
ascent; ~hastighetsmätare (flyg., och
sjunkhastighetsmätare) rate-of-climb indicator;
~höjd (flyg.) ceiling; pie~ometrisk ~höjd
piezometric head; ~kanal (gjutform) relief
sprue; ~ledning riser
stigning (rörelse uppåt) rising, rise, ascent; (i
pris) rise, advance, increase; a sharp (steep)
rise in import prices; (gäng-) pitch [of thread],
(på kam för automat) rise; (propellers) pitch;
(kurv-, väg-) slope, [upward] gradient, [-[up]-grade,-] {+[up]-
grade,+} climb, incline; (dosering) superelevation
(US banking) [of a curve], bank, cant, cross
rise (fall); (nivå-) rise; (äv.) gradation;
increment; tilltagande ~ (på gänga) progressive
pitch; ~s (förhållande (vägs) gradient;
(skruvs) pitch ratio; ~s|vinkel angle of
inclination; (på gänga) helix (pitch) angle, angle
of thread
stigort (gruv.) raise
stigorts|drivare raise drifter; ~drivning
driving of raises; ~grupp group of raises;
~ma-skin stoper
stig|rör ascending pipe (tube), stand pipe, riser
[pipe], level indicator; ~schakt climbing
shaft; ~tid (insvängningstid) rise (transient,
build [ing]-up) time; ~ventil delivery valve;
~vinkel helix angle; (flyg.) angle of climb
stil style; (äv.) touch; manner; (typ.) type;
(skol-) paper, exercise; essay, free
composition; diplomatisk ~ diplomatic style;
genomgående ~ (typ.) text; halvfet ~ semi-bold
[type]; modern ~ (typ.) modern type; spärrad
~ spaced-out letters; i ~ med in keeping
with; ~art style
stil|ben (kem.) stilbene; ~bestrol
(syntethor-mon) stilbestrol, diethylstilbestrol; ~bit (min.)
stilett stiletto; (med springklinga, Br) flick-knife,
( US) switchblade [knife]
stil|full stylish, elegant, smart, tasteful, in good
style; ~full a mönster fancy effects; ~gjutare
(typ.) type-founder, type-caster;
~gjutar-förbund [monotype casters’ and] typefounders’
union (association); ~gjuteri type-foundry;
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