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Sveriges        949        svets|brännare

Sveriges Varvsindustriförening the Swedish

Shipbuilders’ Association; ~

Vattenfabrikanters Riksförbund the National Swedish

Association of Soft Drinks Manufacturers; ~

Verkstadsförening the Swedish Metal Trades

Employers’ Association; ~

Verkstadsingenjörers Förening the Swedish Association of

Works Engineers; ~

Verktygsmaskinaffärers Förening SVMF the Swedish Machine

Tool Dealers’ Association; ~ Vetenskapliga

Specialbiblioteks Förening the Swedish

Association of Scientific Special Libraries;

~ Veterinärförbund the Swedish Veterinary

Society; ~ Villaägareförbund the Swedish

Association of Owners of One- and

Two-Family Houses; ~ Viltimportörförening

the Swedish Poultry & Game Importers’

Association; ~ Vänsterpressförening the

Swedish Leftist Press Association; ~

Världs-federalister, SVF the Swedish Section of

the World Association of World Federalists

Sveriges Yachtkonstruktörers Riksförbund

the Swedish Association of Yacht Designers;

~ Yngre Humanisters Förbund, SYHumF

the Swedish Junior Association of Humanists;

~ Yngre Juristers Förening, SYJF the

Swedish Junior Federation of Jurists; ~

Yngre Läkares Förening the Swedish

Association of Junior Physicians; ~ Yngre

Läroverkslärares Förening, SYL the

Association of Junior Secondary School Teachers

in Sweden; ~ Yngre Naturvetares Förening,

SYNF the Swedish Junior Association of

Scientists; Yngre Sjuksköterskors

Förening, SYSF the Swedish Junior Association

of Nurses; ~ Yngre Sångpedagogers

Förbund the Swedish Junior Association of

Singing Masters and Singing Mistresses;

~ Yngre Veterinärers Förening the Swedish

Junior Veterinary Society; ~

Yrkesfrukt-odlares Riksförbund, SYR the Swedish

Association of Professional Fruit Growers;

~ Åkeriägares Inköps- och

Förvaltningsaktiebolag, SÅIFA the Swedish Haulage

Contractors’ Purchasing and Administrative

Company; ~ Ångfartygs As surans Förening

the Swedish Steamship Assurance Club; ~

Äggrossisters Förening u. p. a. the Swedish

Egg Merchants’ Association, Ltd.; ~

Överenskommelser med Främmande Makter

the Swedish Treaty Series; (äv.) the Swedish

Series of Treaties wTith Foreign Powers

Sydöstra ~ Skogsägares Förbund the

Association of Forest Owners of South Eastern

Sweden; Södra ~ Fiskeriförening the Fishery

Conservation Association of Southern Sweden;

Södra ~ Skogsindustriutredning the South

Swedish Forest Industry Investigation

Committee; Södra ~ Stuvareförbund the Master

Stevedores’ Association of Southern Sweden;

Södra ~ Trävaruexportförening the Wood

Exporters’ Association of Southern Sweden;

Tidning för ~ Läroverk the Swedish

Secondary School Journal, the Organ of

the Association of Secondary Teachers of


svets wreld; (äv.) welding seam, welded joint,

line of welding; bränd ~ burnt weld; fori-

löpande ~ continuous weld; intermittent ~

intermittent weld; rågad ~ convex

(convex-faced, reinforced) weld; struken ~ flush wTeld,

weld machined flush; ~ med rotring weld

with backing ring; ~ med rotstrimla weld

with backing strip; ~ med rotvulst weld made

from one side, the penetration bead of which

can be seen; ~ med undermått incompletely

filled groove; ~ens nominella tjocklek

(godstjocklek) effective throat thickness; ~ens totala

tjocklek throat thickness; undansjunken ~ sagged

weld; överhettad ~ overheated weld;

överrunnen ~ overlap; jfr bakstegs~, häfw,

kant~, kedje~, krafw, käl~, plugga,

punkte, påläggs~, på~, radpunkt~, rand~,

rundhåls~, sicksack~, slits~, stum~

svets- welding; jfr svetsnings-

svetsa to weld; ~ igen (tillsluta) to weld up;

~ to weld on; ~d welded; rostfria yde

rörböjar stainless welded elbows (pipe bends);

~d artikel welded article; ~d behållare welded

container; yt rör welded tube (pipe); yde

stålrör welded steel pipes (tubes); ~d skulptur

welded sculpture; ~d stålkonstruktion welded

steel structure; ~d över lapps skarv lapped seam


svetsaggregat welding set (machine), [arc]

welder; (äv.) welding unit (outfit,

equipment); (med HF-gnistgap) welding set with

HF (high frequency) spark ionizer; (med

HF-svängningskrets) welding set with a

continuous wave HF (high frequency) ionizer;

(med högfrekvensdon) welding set with HF

(high frequency) ionizer; (med

likströmsblockeerings kondensator) welding set with DC (direct

current) suppression capacitors; (med

spänningsimpulsdon) welding set with a surge

injector; elektriskt ~ electric welding

equipment; roterande ~ rotary welding machine

(set) [driven by an engine (electric motor)];

icke roterande ~ static welding machine (set);

tvåfas ~ twin arc welding set

svets|anläggning welding plant (equipment,

installation); ~apparat welder, welding

apparatus ; ~apparatur welding equipment;

~ap-paraturprov welding equipment test; ~are

welder, welding operator; ~ar|hjälm se

~hjälm; ~ar|prov welder’s test, welding

operator qualification test; ~art type of weld;

~ar J~utrustning welder’s equipment;

~automat automatic [arc] welder, arc welding

machine; ~bar weldable; ybar metall weldable

metal; ~bart stål weldable (welding) steel;

~barhet weldability; (konstruktivt betingad)

overall weldability, weldability assessed from

the effect of mechanical stresses;

(material-betingad) local weldability, weldability assessed

from metallurgical considerations;

(utförings-betingad) operative weldability, weldability

assessed from the point of view of technique;

~barhet ~prov weldability test, test for

weldability; ~beteckning weld symbol

(designation, description); ~blåsa blister from faulty

weld; ~bord welding bench; ~brand

welding fire; ~brandindikator welding-fire

indicator; ~brännare welding blowTpipe (torch);

(för konstant gasmängd) fixed head blowpipe;

(för reglerbar gasmängd) bio v/pip e with needle

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