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visserligen        1163        vit|kopieringspapper

period during a given period; ~a slag av varor

certain classes of goods

visserligen admittedly; in fact, to be sure; not

but what [we suspected]; ~ avsåg vår förfrågan

ett mindre antal, men vi anser ändå att prisökningen

är alltför stor it is true that our inquiry was for

a smaller quantity, but nevertheless we

consider the price increase too high; ~ ... men

it is true that... but, certainly (to be sure) ...

but, (äv.) while; ~ är dieselmotorn dyrare i

inköp, men den är billigare i drift it is true that

the diesel engine costs more to buy, but it

is cheaper in operation

visshet certainty, positive knowledge

(assurance); enligt vår fulla tro och ~ to the best

of our knowledge and belief; we hereby declare

that to the best of our belief ... ; we hereby

declare that in our sincere belief ... ; ~

to find out for certain, to obtain assurance,

to resolve one’s doubts, to have proof

vissla subst, whistle; (med treklang) whistle with

three notes; verb to whistle

visso; till yttermera ~ hava Vi detta med egen

hand underskrivit och med Vårt kungl, sigill

bekräfta låtit (jur.) in faith (witness) whereof

We have set our hand hereunto and in

confirmation thereof affixed Our Royal Seal

vista; betalbar à ~ payable at sight; prima ~

at [first] sight, on presentation (presentment);

till à ~ kurs at the bank’s selling rate

vistelse stay; (boende) residence; stadigvarande ~

habitual abode; tillfällig ~ temporary abode;

~ i ett land residence ([a] stay) in a country;

~ändamål object of the stay (sojourn);

~ort (fast) [place of, permanent] residence,

dwelling-place, abode, home, address, (jur.)

domicile; (tillf.) place of sojourn,

whereabouts sing., place to stay at, location; (om

djur) habitat; her present whereabouts is unknown ;

~tid duration of stay; ~tillstånd residence


vistra (text.) vittra

visualiser (rekl.) visualiser, (US) visualizer

visum visa [pl. visas]; (äv.) endorsement; ~ för

inresa entry visa; ~begäran application

(request) for visa; ~tvång (ung.) compulsory

visa system; a visa is required for ...

vit white; (her.) argent, (förk.) arg.; Finlands

1~a Ros (orden) the Order of the White Rose

of Finland; ~t aducergods (aducerjärn)

white-heart malleable cast iron; V~a Bandet, VB

the National Swedish Union of the World’s

Women’s Christian Temperance Union, (intern.

förk. WWCTU); (äv.) the # White Ribbon

Society; ~a blodkroppar white [blood]

corpuscles (cells), leucocytes; ~ bok - se vitbok;

K~a Fiefantorden (siamesisk) the Order of

the White Elephant; ~ fakt is white substitute;

~t gjutjärn white cast iron; ~t gods (gjut.)

complete chill; |a havet the White Sea;

~t ljus white light; ~a myror white ants;

~ slavhatidlare white-slave trader, slaver; ~t

snitt (typ.) white edges; ~t stelnande (gjut.)

chill; K~a Stjärnorden (estnisk) the Order

of the White Star; ~t tackjärn forge (white)

pig-iron, white cast iron; ~t tenn white tin;

K~a Örnsorden (jugoslav.) the Order of the

White Eagle

vital vital; en ~ fråga a vital question (matter,

issue), a matter of life and death; ~a intressen

vital interests; ~isera to vitalize; ~itet

vitality; (äv.) vigour, strength; ~statistik

vital (registration) statistics

vitamin vitamin; (ibl.) vitamine; ~ A~vitamin

A; ~ Bt vitamin Bx, thiamine, aneurin; ~

vitamin B2, lactoflavin, riboflavin; ~ Be

vitamin B6, adermin, pyridoxin; ~ B 12 vitamin

B12; ~ C~vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid,

anti-scorbutin; ~ D~vitamin D, ergosterol; ~ D3

vitamin D2 calciferol, irradiated ergosterol;

~ D3 v»’tamin D3; ~ E~vitamin E; ~ H

vitamin H, biotin; ~ K~vitamin K, coagulation

vitamin[e]; ~ P~vitamin P, permeability

vitamin[e]; fettlösliga (vattenlösliga) ~er

fat-(water-) soluble vitamins

vitamin|behov vitamin requirement [s];

blandning vitamin mixture; ~brist vitamin

deficiency, avitaminosis; ~bristsjukdom [-[vitamin]-]

deficiency disease, avitaminosis;

~fat-tig deficient in vitamins, vitamin-deficient;

~foder[medel] vitaminized feedingstuff;

vitamin cattle food; ögrupp group of

vitamins ; ~hår vatt en vitamin hair tonic;

~injektion vitamin injection (shot)

vitaminiser|a to vitaminize; ~ad vitamized,

vitaminized, fortified ; ~ing vitaminization

vitamin|koncentrat vitamin concentrate; ~

kontroll vitamin control; ~källa source of

vitamins; ~laboratorium vitamin laboratory;

~olja vitamin oil; ~preparat vitamin

preparation; ~rik vitamin-rich, rich in vitamins,

of high vitamin content; ~terapi vitamin

therapy; ~tillsättningsmaskin

vitamin-adding machine; ~värde vitamin content

vit|betning white pickling; ~bleck tinplate;

~bok (dipl.) white book; (av mindre vikt)

white paper; ~cement white cement; ~djup

(gjut.) chill depth; ~djup ~prov chill test

piece, (US) chill block

vite penalty; (böter) fine; (äv.) mulct; förelagt ~

[an] imposed money penalty; [an] imposed

fine; utdömande av ~ [the] imposition of a

fine; vid ~ under penalty of a fine; under

threat of a monetary penalty; stämning vid ~

writ of subpoena; tillträde vid ~ förbjudet

trespassers will be prosecuted; vid ~ av under

penalty of [a £25 fine]; åläggande vid ~ att

inställa sig (jur.) writ of subpoena; ~förbud

prohibition under penalty of a fine

vitellin (kem.) vitellin, egg-laying mixture

vites|brott finable offence; ~klausul penalty


vit|fisk whiting, dace; (mindre) whitebait; (koll.)

whitefish; ~fiskeindustri [the British] white

fishing industry; ~garvning alum tannage;

tawing; Hungarian dressing; ~glödande

incandescent; ~glödgning; upphetta till

~-glödgning to heat to white heat;

~görings-medel optical bleaching agent; ~havre white


witherit (min.) witherite

vithet whiteness [degree]; brightness; ~s|grad

whiteness degree, degree of whiteness;

~s|-provare blancometer

vit|järn white cast iron; ~kokningsapparat

blanching autoclave; ~kopieringspapper

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