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åtala        1213        återbärings|berättigad

suit; anställa ~ mot ämbetsman to impeach;

befria från ~ (jur.) to refuse to pursue, (lat.)

nolle prosequi; förordna om ngns ställande under

~ to cause (order) an action to be brought

against a p., to have a p. prosecuted, to take

out a summons (writ) against a p.; försätta

under ~ to indict; stå under ~ to be under

an indictment; obefogat ~ malicious

prosecution; offentligt ~ public prosecution; (i

monarki) prosecution on behalf of the Crown;

undvika ~ to avoid a law-suit; väcka ~ mot

to bring (enter, lay, raise) an action against

[sby for sth.], to take legal proceedings against,

to proceed against, to take action against,

to indict, to sue [s.o. for], to go to law;

~ för brott indictment; ~ i brottmål criminal

prosecution; ~ inför riksrätt impeachment

[Br before the House of Lords; (US) before

the Senate]

åtala to prosecute [... by indictment], to sue

at law, to charge, to bring a charge against;

(ställa inför rätta) to commit for trial;

(anklaga) to indict; (anklaga för brott) to

incriminate; (beskylla) to inculpate; (äv.) to

arraign; jfr åtal; missbruk ~j penalty for

improper use; ~d indicted; den —(vanl.)

the defendant; frikänna en ~d to acquit an

accused; förteckning över ~de (jur.) calendar;

~för delaktighet indicted for complicity; ~d

för trafikflykt accused of leaving the scene of

an accident

åtalbar actionable [at law]; (hemfallen under

strafflagen) indictable; (lydande under domvärjo)

justiciable; ~ skadegörelse actionable wrong,


åtals|berättigad entitled to take proceedings;

~eftergift [right of] refusal to prosecute

(continue) a case, withdrawal of a charge,

dismissal of an indictment; (lat.) nolle

prosequi; the Attorney General entered a nolle

prosequi; (äv.) binding over, dismissal; bevilja

~eftergift to refuse to prosecute (continue) a

case, to withdraw a charge, to dismiss an

indictment, to enter a nolle prosequi; (äv.)

to bind over; han fick ~eftergift the charge

brought against him was withdrawn; his case

was dropped; (fam.) he got off;

~framställning indictment by public prosecutor; ~

grund ground[s] of [the] action (claim);

ground[s] for action; ~myndighet

prosecuting authority; ~punkt count [of an [-indictment]; -] {+in-

dictment]; +} ~rätt right to bring an action

[against], right to take [legal] proceedings

[against], right of action [against]

åtdrag|a to tighten; fullständigt ~na bultar

completely tightened bolts; ~ningsbana strap

åter (tillbaka) back [again]; (ånyo) again, once

more; (däremot) again, on the other hand

åter|- re-; ~anpassa to readjust; ~anpassning

readjustment; ~anpassning av förbrytare

readjustment of offenders; ~anrop recall

återanskaffning replacement; (äv.)

reequipment, new equipment, new acquisition of

equipment; ~ av anläggningstillgångar

replacement of fixed assets; ~s|fond replacement

(obsolescence) reserve; föreslagen avsättning till

~s|fond proposed appropriation to the reserve

for replacements; ~ s{kostnader replacement

(reproduction, repurchase) costs, cost of

replacement (reproduction); ~s|värde

replacement value (cost), cost to replace,

replacement-cost standard (value); (US äv.) market price;

(äv.) reinstatement value

återanställ|a to reengage, to reemploy, to

reinstate, to reappoint; (US) to rehire; ~d

reemployed; (US) rehired; ~ning

reemployment, reengagement, reappointment,

reinstatement; fining av lagbrytare

reemployment of offenders

återanvänd|a to reapply, to reemploy, to

reutilize; ~ning reapplication, reemployment,


återarbets|bromsning regenerative braking;

~metod loading-back method

åter|avsända to redispatch; ~befordrare (text.)

recuperator; ~befordringsavgift (postv.)

return postage; ~begära to claim back;

~belasta to recharge; ~besätta (mil.) to

reoccupy; ~besätta en vakans to fill a vacancy;

~besök (läk.) repeat treatment; (äv.) call


återbetal|a to repay, to pay back, to refund,

to reimburse; ~ad; ~ ad provision return

commission; ~ande; ~ ande ~ av ett lån the

repayment (return) of a loan; ~bar repayable;

~ning repayment, reimbursement, refund,

refunding, refundment, restitution; (till

fackförening etc.) kick-back; genom indragning av

aktier utan ~ning by a retirement (withdrawal)

of shares without [any] refund (repayment);

uppsägas till rening to be called [in for [-redemption]-] {+redemp-


återbetalnings|förbindelse engagement to

repay, statement regarding repayment;

~garanti refundment (repayment) guarantee (bond,

US äv. guaranty); ~löfte promise of

repayment, promise to repay; ~skyldighet

obligation to repay (refund, reimburse); ~tid

repayment period, period of repayment;

~värde redemption value

åter|bud cancellation, annulment; countermand;

ge (skicka) ~bud to cancel an engagement,

to send word to a p. not to come; to send

word [to say] one cannot come; ~bära to

return, to restore, (hand, äv.) to refund, to

repay, to restitute

återbäring refund, amount refunded, bonus,

repayment, reimbursement, return, restitution;

(i detaljhandeln särsk.) [consumer] dividend[s];

(försäkr.) dividend, profit distribution to an

assured (insured), reversionary bonus [on

with-profits assurances (insurances)]; ansökan

om ~ application for [a] refund; belastning

för ~ (försäkr.) loading for participation in

profits, bonus loading; fördelning av ~

(försäkr.) bonus distribution, allotment of bonus;

försäkringspolis med ~ participating

(with-profit) insurance policy (contract);

försäkrings-polis utan ~ non-participating (non-profit)

insurance policy (contract); sammansatt ~

(försäkr.) compound bonus; stigande ~

increasing bonus; tilldelad ~ (försäkr.) vested

reversionary bonus; ~ i 25-tal kronor

repayment in multiples of Kr.

25.-återbäringsi berättigad (försäkr.) with profits,

entitled to [a] bonus; ~berättigad försäkring

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