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bastu|apparater        1289        befolknings|teori

sauna; ~apparater sauna equipment; ~bad

sauna (steam) bath; ~borste sauna brush;

~byggare sauna builder; ~byggnad sauna

building; ~form type of sauna; ~forskare

sauna researcher; ~fuktighet sauna humidity

(moisture); ~inrättning sauna establishment;

~lave sauna shelf (platform)

bastull basic duty;

bastu|ritning sauna drawing; ~rum sauna

(steam) room; ~ugn sauna stove (oven);

~utrustning sauna equipment; ~ved sauna


Basutoland (numera: Lesotho) Basutoland,


bas|vektor (matem.) basis vector; ~vokabulär

basic vocabulary; ~värde base value (figure);

~yta base

batteriproduktion; ~ av ägg battery egg


baty|al adj. (kontinentalbrants-) bathyal, bathyl;

~alt område, ~al %on (kontinentalbrantsområde )

bathyal region (zone* district); ~grafisk;

~grafisk kurva bathymetric curve; ~gram

(oceanografi) bathygram; ~klinograf

(oceanografi) bathyclinograph; ~meter /oceanografi:

djupmätare) bathymeter, bathometer;

~metrisk; ~?netrisk karta bathymetric chart (map);

~skaf subst, (djuphavsfartyg) bathyscaphe,


baud (data: bit[s]per sekund) baud

baxa (bända) to prize, to prise; (US) to pry

Bayesisk; ~ beslutsteori (data) Bayesian decision

theory; ~ sannolikhetsteori Bayesian probability


BBBB (rekl. Bild, Begär, Bevis, Beställning)

PPPP (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push); BBL

Bra Böckers Lexikon [a modern Swedish


BC-stridsmedel BC (biological and chemical)


BE (Betongelementföreningen) the Association of the

Swedish Prefabricated Concrete Industries

bearbet|a (kunder etc.) to high-pressure [into

buying sth.]; ~a för scenen to adapt [novel

etc.] for the stage; ~bar workable,

machinable; ~barhet workability, machinability,


bearbetning (komprimering) compaction; ~ av

data collation of data; ~ av en marknad

cultivation (working up) of a market; ~ för filmen

screen adaptation (writing); ~ för scenen

adaptation for the stage, stage adaptation,

dramatization; direkt ans luten ~ (data) on-line processing;

elektrokemisk (elektrolytisk) ~ electrochemical

machining, ECM; kemisk ~ chemical milling;

~medelbar ~ .(data) real time operation;

satsvis ~ (data) batch (stacked job) processing,

batching; spånavskiljande ~ machining,

metal-cutting [operation], cutting [operation];

spån-lös ~ non-cutting shaping, non-chip forming,

forming; tredimensionell ~ three-dimensional


bearbetnings|fel processing error; ~förlopp

processing,- machining sequence; ~grad

degree of processing; ~ metod (tekn.)

machining method; ~mängd throughput,

thruput ; ~ställe (glas) front end; ~teknik

production engineering; machining technique

(practice); ~tid (stycktid) machining time

[per component], piece (floor-to-floor,

individual-component; cycle) time, time per

piece (component, unit), total production

time for one part; (äv.) running time; (data)

turnround (turnaround, throughput) time;

kort ~tid (data) fast turnround; ~tolerans

machining allowance

bebygg|a; ~a ett tomtområde to develop a site;

~d; ~d mark developed area; ~t område

built-up area; icke ~d (tomt) undeveloped

bebyggelse development; planera för ~ to

develop; ~ekonomi; Nämnden för B~ekonomi

the Centre for Environmental Economics;

~plan development plan; ~planering [-[construction]-]

development planning

Bechuanaland [the Independent Republic of]


bedräglig (äv.) colourable; ~ omröstning

vote-rigging; ~a reklamåtgärder deceptive

promotion; ~a säljmetoder deceptive sales


bedöma (äv.) to evaluate, to analyze, to appraise;

to rate; to assess; to determine; to project;

to consider

bedömning (äv.) evaluation, analysis, appraisal;

rating; assessment; determination; projection;

consideration; prestations— performance

appraisal; ~ av företagsledning management

appraisal; diagnostisk ~ diagnostic evaluation;

ekonomisk ~ economic appraisal; finansiell ~

financial appraisal; försiktig ~ cautious

(conservative) estimate; subjektiv (objektiv)

~ subjective (objective) judg[e]ment; teknisk

~ technical appraisal

bedömnings skala; grafisk ~ graphic rating


befallningshavande; Kungl. Maj:ts (Majestäts)

jB~ the County Administration

(Administrative Board), the Provincial Government;

(Stockholms län) the Stockholm County


befattnings|analys job (occupational) analysis;

~benämning occupational title; ~havare;

högre ~havare Senior executive;

~klassificering classification of occupations;

~nomenklatur occupational nomenclature

(terminology), nomenclature (terminology) of

occupational titles, classification of occupations

befogenhetsfördelning (pol.) division of powers

befolkning; bofast ~ resident population;

världens ~ world population

befolknings|avtappning people drain;

~centrastrategi (mil.) countercity (countervalue)

strategy; ~explosion population explosion;

~framräkning population projection; ~

hygien (värden om miljöfaktorerna) euthenics

[konstr. som sing.’]; ~kommission population

commission, PC; ~nivå; optimal ~nivå

optimum population level; ~optimum

optimum population; ~profil demographic

profile; ~prognos population forecast;

~projektion population projection; ~pyramid

population pyramid; ~teori (äv.) theory of

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