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sats|fogning        1578        scen

tence; ~fogning complex sentence; ~fonetik

sentence phonetics; ~frekvens (tekn.) batch

frequency; ~följd sequence of sentences;

sentence arrangement; ~förkortning

contracted sentence, contraction; ~förpackning

(tekn.) batch package (packing); ~inledning

sentence introducer; ~intonation sentence

intonation; ~jäsning (tekn.) batch

fermentation; ~kalkyl (?nate?n.) propositional

(sentential) calculus; ~knopp ( tändsticka)

match head; ~kommatering sentence

punctuation; ~konnektiv (matem.) sentence

connective; ~konstituent sentence

constituent; ~kontroll (tekn.) batch control;

~kort (data) bin card; ~längd sentence

length; ~lära syntax; ~lösning sentence

(grammatical) analysis, parsing; ~melodi

sentence intonation; ~mönster sentence


satsning effort, bid, concentrated effort (bid);

concentration; venture; (i spel) staking, stake

sats|nummer (data) statement number;

~omvandling sentence transformation; ~paus

sentence pause; ~predikat sentence predicate;

~rytm sentence rhythm; ~slut end of

sentence, sentence termination (final position),

clause terminal (marker); ~storlek (tekn.)

batch size (quantity); ~ställning sentence

position, position in sentence; ~subject

sentence subject; ~terminal (data) batch

terminal; ~tillverkning (tekn.) batch

production; ~tolkning sentence interpretation;

~typ sentence type; ~variabel (matem.)

sentence variable

satsvis; ~ bearbetning (behandling) (data) batch

(stacked job) processing, batching; ~

destillation batch distillation; ~ fjärrbearbetning

(fjärr-behandling) (data) remote batching (batch

processing); ~ uppdatering (data) batch


SAV (Statens Avtalsverk) the National [Swedish]

Collective Bargaining Office; (Svenska

Arbetsgruppen för Världsfederation; Sveriges

Världs-federalister, SVF) the Swedish Section of the

World Association of World Federalists

saxvinge (flyg.: antisytnmetrisk vinge)

antisym-metrical wing; (flygplan) antisymmetrical-wing


SB (Statsrådsberedningen) the Cabinet Office;

SBAF (Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet) the

Swedish Building Workers’ Union; SBBF

(Sveriges Bilindustri- och Bilgrossistförening) the

Association of Swedish Automobile

Manufacturers and Wholesalers; SB-butik

(självbetjäningsbutik) self-service shop; SBC

(siffer-behandlingscentral) digital processing centre,

DPC; SBEF (Svenska

Byggnadsentreprenörföreningen) the Associated General Contractors

and House-Builders of Sweden; (äv.) the

Swedish Association of Building Contractors;

SBF (Sveriges Begravningsentreprenörers Förbund)

the Swedish Association of Undertakers;

(Sveriges Bildelsgrossisters Förening) the

Association of Swedish Wholesalers of Automotive

Parts and Accessories; (Sveriges

Blåbandsför-ening) the Swedish Blue Ribbon Society;

(Sveriges Byggmästareförbund) the Swedish

Association of Building Contractors; (Svenska

Bergsmannaföreningen) the Swedish Association

of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers;

(Svenska Brandförsvarsföreningen) the Swedish Fire

Protection Association; SBI (Sveriges

Bokbin-deriidkareförening) the Swedish Association of

the Book-Binding Industry; (Sveriges

Bränneri-idkareförening) the Swedish Distillers’

Association; (Stålbyggnadsinstitutet) the Swedish

Institute of Steel Construction; SBIF (Svenska

Byggnadsindustriförbundet) the Federation of

Swedish Building Employers; SBK (Statens

Betongkommitté) the National [Swedish]

Concrete Committee; (Svenska Brukshundklubben)

the Swedish Working Dog Club; SBKF

(Svenska Baptisternas Kvinnoförbund) the

Swedish Baptist Women’s Union; SBL Scandinavian

Bank Limited [London]; (person) Staffan

Burenstam Linder [Swedish politician];

(Statens Bakteriologiska Laboratorium) the

National [Swedish] Bacteriological Laboratory;

(Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon) the Swedish

Biographical Dictionary; SBmf (Svenska

Bankm annaförbundet) the National Swedish

Union of Bank Employees; SBN (Svensk

Byggnorm) the Swedish Building Standards;

SBR (Svenska Byggnadsingenjörers Riksförbund)

the Swedish Association of Construction

Engineers; Sbri (Statens Brandinspektion) the

National [Swedish] Fire Service Inspectorate;

SBrn (Statens Brandnämnd) the National

[Swedish] Fire Service Board; SBS (Statens

Brandskola) the National [Swedish] Fire Service

College; (Svensk Byggstålkontroll) the Swedish

Institute for Supervision of Steel Products in

Building; (Svenska Blå Stjärnan) the Swedish

Women’s Auxiliary Veterinary Corps;

(Svensk-Engelska Föreningen) the Swedish-British

Society; SBU (Sveriges Blåbandsforenings

Ungdomsförbund) the Swedish Blue Ribbon

Educational Association; (Svenska Båtunionen) the

Swedish Boating Union; SBUF (Svenska

Baptisternas Ungdomsförbund) the Baptist Young

People’s Union of Sweden; s-bälte

(säkerhetsbälte) seat (safety) belt; sc. (lat.: sculpsit: har

graverat, har snidat) he (she) engraved (carved)

it; SC (Stanscentral) punching centre (room);

(Svenska Cementföreningen) the Swedish Cement

Association; SCA (Svenska Cellulosa

Aktiebolaget) the Swedish Cellulose

Company-Swedish Council of America

SCANAUSTRAL Scandinavian Australian

Carriers Ltd., SAC

scanner (pl. scannrar) I. (TV: bildavsökare)

scanner; 2. (typ.: färgsepareringsanordning)


Scanraff (Skandinaviska Raffinaderi AB) Scanraff,

the Scandinavian Refinery Co.

SCB (Statistiska Centralbyrån) the [Swedish]

Central Bureau of Statistics; Stockholm

Convention Bureau; SCC (Kooperativa

U-landssamarbetet) the Swedish Cooperative Centre;

SCCL Swedish Commission on Child Language

scen; bearbeta för ~en to adapt [a novel etc.] for

the stage, to make a stage version of; to

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