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start        1612        Statens|Kärnkraftinspektion

start (flyg., robot) lift-off; (av raket etc.) blast-off;

bogserad ~towed start; flygande ~ flying start;

kort ~ (flyg.) short takeoff, STO; kort ~ och

landning (flyg.) short takeoff and landing,

STOL; leda frän ~ till mål to lead from start to

finish; stillastående ~ (bil) standing start;

tyst ~ och landning (flyg.) quiet takeoff and

landing, QTOL; vertikal|kort ~ och landning

(flyg.) vertical/short takeoff and landing,

V/STOL; vertikal ~ (flyg.) vertical takeoff,


start|aktivitet (nätplan.) start activity; ~band

(magnetband) head (start) leader, leader;

~enhet (stat.) entry plot; ~etikett (data)

header (file) label; (äv.) volume

label; ~flygplats airport of departure; ~fönster (rymd)

window, earth departure window; ~hjälp

(arbetsmarkn.) starting allowance; ~händelse

(nätplan.) start event; ~insprutningssystem

(flyg.) fuel priming system; ~kompressor

air starter; ~latitud (rymd) launch[-site]

(launch point) latitude; ~lås (bil) main

switch; ~marginal (rymd) launch window;

~område (flyg.) take-off area; ~pistol

starter’s pistol; ~planet (rymd) departure

planet; ~plats (rymdforskn.) space centre,

launch operations centre; (för raketvapen etc.)

launching site; ~platta (rymdforskn.) launch

complex, LC; (för helikopter etc.) launching]

(take-off) pad

startrampskomplex launch complex; (för

månfarkoster) moonport

start|räkning countdown; ~steg (i fler

stegsfar kost) booster; (äv.) first (main) stage;

~stoppförlopp (tekn.; pl.) stop-go


starttid (planering) lead time; (data etc.)

acceleration time; beräknad ~ (flyg.) estimated time of

departure, ETD; verklig ~ (flyg-) actual time

of departure, ATD; ~punkt (nätplan.) start

date (time)

starttidstolerans (raket) launch window

start|torn (rymd) umbilical tower; ~utrop

(flyghall ) departure announcement

stassaniser|a (lågpastörisera) to stassanize; ~ing

(lågpastörisering) stassanizing, stassanization;

~ingsanläggning (lågpastöriseringsanläggning)

stassanizing plant

stat (fastställd budget) voted budget; angränsande

~er adjoining (bordering, conterminous)

states; states with a conterminous boundary;

kontrakt avseende leveratis[er] till ~ en

government contract; neutral ~ non-aligned state

(nation), non-aligner; Nämnden för S~ens

Gruvegendom the Board for Government

Mining Properties; överskottet i ~ens budget net

government surplus

Statens; ~ Allmänna Avlöningsreglemente,

Saar the General Regulations governing the

Pay Scale for Government Employees;

~ Allmänna Tjänstepensionsreglemente,

SPR (Statens Pensionsreglemente) the [Swedish]

Civil Service Pension Regulations; the Pension

Plan for Government Employees; AB ~

Anläggning~provning, SA the Swedish

Plant Inspectorate; the Swedish Inspectorate

for Pressure Vessels and Lifting Equipment;

~ Ansvarsnämnd the National [Swedish]

Disciplinary Offences Board; ~ Arbetsklinik the

National [Swedish] Institute for Assessment

of the Working Capacity of Handicapped

People; ~ Arbetsmiljönämnd, SAN the

National [Swedish] Working Environment

Board; ~ Avtalsverk, SÄV the National

[Swedish] Collective Bargaining Office; ~

Betongkommitté, SBK the National [-[Swedish]-]

Concrete Committee; ~ Brandnämnd the

National [Swedish] Fire Service Board; ~

Centrala Frökontrollanstalt the [Swedish]

Central Seed Testing Institute; ~ Dansskola

the National [Swedish] School of Ballet

Dancing; ~ Datamaskinfond the National

[Swedish] Computer Foundation; ~

Delegation för Rymdverksamhet, DFR the

National [Swedish] Delegation for Space Activities;

~ Ekonomiadministrativa System

(SEA-systemet) the State Economic Administrative

System; ~ Förhandlingsnämnd, SFN the

National [Swedish] Board for Municipal

Negotiations; ~

Förlikningsmannaexpe-dition the National [Swedish] Conciliators’

Office; ~ Handelslicensnämnd [har uppgått

i Riksbanken]; ~ Handikappråd the National

[Swedish] Council for Disabled Persons;

[—] Humanistisk-Samhällsvetenskapliga

Forskningsrådet, HSFR the Swedish Council

for Research in the Humanities and Social

Sciences; ~ Högertrafikkommission (hist.)

the Swedish Commission for the Introduction

of Right-Hand Driving; ~ Industriverk, SIV

the National [Swedish] Industrial Board; ~

Institut för Företagsutveckling, SIFU the

National [Swedish] Institute for Corporate

Development; ~ Institut för Högre

Utbildning av Sjuksköterskor, SIHUS the National

[Swedish] School of Advanced Nursing

Education; ~ Institut för Konsumentfrågor (hist.)

the National [Swedish] Consumer Institute

[se: Statens Konsumentverk, KO V]; ~

Institut för Läromedelsinformation, SIL the

National [Swedish] Institute for Information

on Educational Aids; ~ Invandrarverk the

National [Swedish] Immigration and

Naturalization Board; ~ Järnvägars Bandistrikt the

Permanent Way District (Track District) of

the Swedish State Railways; ~ Järnvägars

Centralförvaltning the Central

Administration of the Swedish State Railways; ~

Järnvägars Driftdistrikt the Operating District

of the Swedish State Railways; ~

Koncessionsnämnd för Miljövård (hist.) the

National [Swedish] Franchise Board for

Environmental Preservation; ~ Konstmuseer the

National Art Galleries; ~ Konsumentverk,

KOV (Konsumentverket) the National [Swedish]

Board for Consumer Policies; ~

Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium (tidig.: Statens

Kriminaltekniska Anstalt) the National [Swedish]

Laboratory of Forensic Science; ~ Kulturråd,

KUR (Kulturrådet) the National [Swedish]

Council for Cultural Affairs; the Swedish

Cultural Council; ~ Kärnkraftinspektion,

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