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tematiser|a        1648        tensor|kraft

tematiser|a (analysera tematiskt) to thematize;

~ing (tematisk analys) thematizing,


tematisk thematic; ~ analys thematic analysis;

thematizing, thematization; ~t

apperceptions-test, TAT (psyk.) thematic apperception test,

TAT; ~ förteckning (mus.) thematic index;

~t material (mus.) thematic material;

utställning thematic display

temavokal (språkvet.) thematic vowel

temperamentskollision clash of personalities,

personality clash

temperatur|avkännare temperature sensor;

thermal trip; thermometer probe; ~beständig

thermally stable; ~givare (flyg.) total

temperature sensor; ~gräns thermal (heat)

barrier; ~index temperature index

temperaturkoefficient; negativ ~ negative

temperature coefficient, NTC; reaktivitetens ~

reactivity (nuclear) temperature coefficient,

temperature coefficient of reactivity;

resistivitetens ~ the temperature coefficient of

resistivity; statisk ~ static temperature coefficient

temperatur|kompensation thermal

compensation; ~kompenserad thermally compensated;

~konstant thermally stable; ~känslig;

~känsligt motstånd thermoresistor; ~reglerad

(utrustad med termostater) thermostatted;

skiktning thermal stratification; ~slag

(värmechock) thermal shock; ~sönd thermoprobe,

thermometer probe; ~spänning (äv.)

thermal stress (voltage); ~stabil thermally stable;

~stabilitet temperature (thermal) stability;

~stegring temperature rise

temperaturstegring~prov temperature-rise test

temperatur|säker temperature-immune;

~säkring (termistor) thermistor, thermal (thermally

sensitive) resistor

temperaturväxling~prov change of temperature


tempo|arbetare (äv.) production worker; ~

gräns (data) breakpoint

ten [metal] rod; utvalsad ~ (mynttillv.) fillet

tendens (färgning) slant, slanting, bias, angle,

twist; (äv.) drift; sjunkande (fallande,

nedåtgående) ~ downtrend; stigande (uppåtgående)

~ uptrend; utan bestämd ~ trendless; ~kurva;

matematisk ~kurva mathematical trend curve

tendentiös; göra ~ to slant, to bias, to angle, to

twist, to give a certain angle to; ~

rapportering (programproduktion etc.) (radio, TV etc.)

trendmongering; ~ reporter (programmakare

etc.) (radio, TV etc.) trendmonger

tenn (kem.) tin, stannum; ~ tin; [tenn(II)-]

stannous; [tenn(IV)-] stannic; klistrande

(knastrande) ljud vid böjning av ~ crackling of tin,

tin cry; ~(II)acetat stannous acetate; ~after

tin ore refuse; ~amalgam amalgam of tin;

~ammoniumklorid tin ammonium chloride,

ammonium chlorostannate, pinksalt; ~aska

tin ashes, stannic oxide; ~bad tinning bath;

~bets tin mordant; ~bromid tin bromide;

~(II)bromid stannous bromide, tin

dibromide, tin (II) bromide; ~(IV)bromid

stannic (tin) bromide, tin tetrabromide;

~dioxid tin dioxide; ~filspån tin filings;

~fluorid tin fluoride; ~(II)fluorid stannous

fluoride, tin difluoride; ~(IV)fluorid stannic

fluoride, tin tetrafluoride, tin (IV) fluoride;

~fosfid stannic (tin) phosphide;

~(II)förening stannous compound; ~(IV)förening

stannic compound; ~gjuteri (äv.) pewterer’s

workshop; ~gruva (äv.) stannary; ~haltig;

~haltig legering tin-base alloy; ~hydrid tin

hydride, stannane; ~hydroxid tin hydroxide;

—(II)hydroxid stannous hydroxide, tin (II)

hydroxide; ~(IV)hydroxid stannic hydr oxide,

tin (IV) hydroxide

tennis|armbåge (med.) tennis elbow,

epicondylitis; ~automat (spel) bar-tennis;

~spelare; utlottad ~spelare seeded tennis player;

~stjärna tennis ace; ~turnering lawn-tennis

tournament; ~tränare tennis coach

tenn|jodid tin iodide; ~(II)jodid stannous

iodide, tin diiodide, tin (II) iodide; —(IV)jodid

stannic iodide, tin tetraiodide, tin (IV) iodide;

~kalk tin calx, stannic oxide; ~kis tin pyrites,

stannite; ~(II)klorid stannous chloride, tin

dichloride, tin (II) chloride; tin crystals (salt,

protochloride); —(IV)klorid stannic chloride,

tin (IV) chloride, tin tetrachloride; butter of

tin; ~klorvätesyra chlorostannic acid;

~-knastring, ~knistring crackling of tin, tin

cry; ~kromat tin chromate; ~(II)kromat

stannous chromate; —(IV)kromat stannic

chromate; ~kärl pewter [ware], tin vessel;

~oleat tin oleate; ~(II)oleat stannous oleate;

~oxalat tin oxalate; ~(II)oxalat stannous

oxalate; ~oxid tin oxide; ~(II)oxid stannous

oxide, tin monoxide (protoxide); —(TV)oxid

stannic oxide (anhydride, acid), tin peroxide

(dioxide), tin (IV) oxide

tennoxid|förening stannic compound; ~haltig

containing tin oxide; ~natrium, ~natron

sodium stannate; ~salt stannic salt

tenn|packning tin packing; ~prov tin sample;

(med.) tin test; ~salmiak tin ammonium

chloride, ammonium chlorostannate, pinksalt;

~(II)salt stannous salt; —(IV)salt stannic

salt; ~(II)selenid stannous selenide, tin

monoselenide; ~slagg tin dross (refuse);

~slig tin slimes; ~sulfat tin sulphate;

~(II)sulfat stannous sulphate; ~sulfid tin

sulphide; ~(II)sulfid stannous sulphide, tin

monosulphide (protosulphide); —(IV)sulfid

stannic sulphide, tin disulphide, tin (IV)

sulphide, artificial (mosaic) gold, tin bronze;

~tartrat tin tartrate; ~(II)tartrat stannous

tartrate; ~(II)tellurid stannous telluride, tin

monotelluride; ~(II)tiocyanat stannous

thio-cyanate; ~tråd tin wire; ~åder tin lode (vein)

tensid subst, (kem.: ytspänningssänkande ämne)


tensor (fys.) tensor; affln ~ (matem.) affine

tensor; kontravariant (koväriant) ~

contra-variant (covariant) tensor; neutrondiffusions~

neutron diffusion tensor; rymd~ space tensor;

snedsymmetrisk ~ skewsymmetric

(antisymmetric) tensor; symmetrisk ~ symmetric tensor

tensor|algebra tensor algebra; ~analys tensor

analysis; ~densitet tensor density; ~fält

tensor field; ~kalkyl tensor calculus; ~kraft

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